Cameron Hardin’s Big Brother 25 exit interview: He blames himself for his eviction & also wishes he took Cirie’s advice

Cameron Hardin’s exit interview with Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves – CBS

Cameron Hardin became the ninth houseguest to exit the “Big Brother 25″ house (and first to join the jury) when he was evicted by a vote of 6-0 on Thursday night. The 34-year old stay-at-home father from Eastman, Georgia was ousted on Day 72 over Cirie Fields. Head of Household Bowie Jane was targeting Cirie, but her allies Jag Bains and Matt Klotz wanted the comp beast out. When Jag won the Power of Veto, he used it to his advantage and pulled Felicia Cannon off the block, forcing Bowie to throw up a replacement, and she chose Cameron.

“There’s a lot of space and time in that house,” Cameron told host Julie Chen Moonves during his exit interview. “A lot of time to mess up. Even though I felt that I was probably in a fairly good position, you let paranoia creep in and you say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person, and that’s what happens. I’ve been angled and lined up many times in this game. I’d have to say this week is probably just all on me.”

Sensing Cameron blames himself for his eviction, Julie asked for clarification. “The paranoia that crept in was my thought that Bowie was somehow in with Cory and America,” he explained. “It was my fault for voicing that and not communicating that properly with her because we had a great relationship all through this game.” When asked who he felt most betrayed by, he answered himself. “After having talked to Bowie about everything I feel less betrayed,” he admitted. “A piece of mistrust crept in between the two of us.”

When confronted with his many alliances this season, Julie asked why he couldn’t find loyalty in any of them. “I was afraid of commitment,” he joked. “It’s tough to say. I feel like a lot of times I was the one being gone after regardless of the scenario. I knew that I was a good competitor. I probably talked too much.” What would he do differently if he could play again? He would take some advice Cirie gave him: “You don’t always have to tell someone what you think about someone else.”

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