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Things you didn’t know about Big Brother 25 Luke Valentine


Big Brother houseguest Luke Valentine was expelled from the house last week on Wednesday 9th after using the N-word on Live Feeds.

Luke Valentine was the first Big Brother 25 contestant to stir up controversy, and he paid the ultimate price for it. The 30-year-old used a racial slur that was caught on the live feeds the night of August 8.

Nevertheless, here is everything you need to know about Luke in and out of the Big Brother house.

Luke lives in Florida.

Luke lives in Coral Springs, Florida. Coral Springs is near Fort Lauderdale on the East Coast of Florida. Luke was one of two BB25 houseguests who live in Florida.

He is an illustrator.

Luke said he’s been a digital artist and illustrator “for the past eight years” on the first episode of Big Brother. He said he works through commission and makes sketches for people all over the world. “There’s no money,” Luke explained of his job. “Which means I’m a starving artist.”

Luke was open to a showmance on Big Brother.

Luke said he was single and down to mingle in the Big Brother house. “If a showmance happens, it happens,” he said during the premiere. “I’m open to it. But I know strategically it’s not the best move.”

Luke is into fitness.

Luke was one of the most physically fit people in the Big Brother season 25 cast. His intro package in the first episode showed him shirtless running on the beach. He said he stays fit through weight lifting, yoga, and healthy eating.

If Luke was still on Big Brother do you think he would have survived eviction in these two weeks? Share your thoughts in the comment section…

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Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Could Hisam be the next target?



Since the Veto Ceremony, Houseguests have been busy. Reilly has been campaigning, the houseguests planning on who to save and so many emotions in the Big Brother House.

Meanwhile, on day 13 Reilly started campaigning and we think the best person she could be listening to at this point is Cirie because she is trying to help her. Additionally, we saw Cirie advising her to speak with Izzy and Felicia so that she might get some compassion for how unkind Hisam was to her at the Veto Ceremony.

So what does the current state of Big Brother 25’s game look like as the eviction day draws near? Do we see Hisam becoming the next target for eviction? Even though there has been a lot of drama over the past few days, Reilly, Jag, Blue, and Matt’s actions during the game will ultimately determine a lot.

Now is Hisam a bigger threat than Reilly? If there is a pitch to be made, it’s that you keep her and try to use her numbers to go after the current HoH. We think this might happen because Reilly has people who are already super-loyal to her, it’s hard for people outside of the Blue, Jag, and Matt group to want to keep her since they aren’t in her long-term plans.

But Hisam is undoubtedly starting to pose a problem, and Cirie appears determined to go after him soon.

Do you think the whole Big Brother house will target him next week? Comment below.

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Big Brother 25 Luke Valentine is Not Racist According to Dad


Big Brother houseguest Luke Valentine was removed from the house last week on Wednesday 9th after using the N-word on Live Feeds.

For those who missed that episode, during a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning conversation with Jared, Hisam, and Cory, Luke said the word at the end of a statement he was making violating the ‘Big Brother’ code of conduct of zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur,”.

In an interview with TMZ, Luke’s father defended the houseguest saying his son is not a racist and that their family ties demonstrate a lack of prejudice. Additionally, he expressed disappointment and surprise regarding his son’s behavior for various reasons.

“James” Luke’s father says his son has many family members who are Black, including a stepmom and step-siblings, as well as biracial cousins and he says Luke is not a racist and was not raised in a racist family.

He added saying Luke’s stepmother was also disappointed to hear him use the n-word on the live feeds, but we’re told she feels he’s a good kid regardless and they have a good relationship.

The Houseguest’s father also says he’s never heard Luke using the racial slur, and he believes his son was not intending to be racist, though he admits his kid said the wrong thing and has to be more mindful of what comes out of his mouth.

In defense of his son, James says his son just didn’t follow the rules and it got him expelled and he hopes his kid gets a chance to explain himself.

Do you think Luke needed a chance on Big Brother 25 to defend himself? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Alliances divide, who do the HGs really want to evict


Hisam won the POV and he is the HOH of Week 2 leaving us with a lot of suspense wondering what is going to happen this week in the Big Brother house. At this point, we are wondering if he is going to use the power of veto or not because he already has a target list we he remove one of them from the block or not?

Meanwhile, the Veto Ceremony is tonight in the Big Brother 25 house, but most of the players are already thinking beyond that. What is going to happen with the eviction this week?

Cirie is trying to figure out the best way to navigate through this situation with Cameron and Reilly on the block. We think she’s realizing that she does not want to play with Hisam long-term, given that he is a smart, cerebral, and competitive guy. She thinks he is a big threat and she is going to want him out.

With all of this in mind, Cirie had a conversation this evening with Jared and Izzy where she floated the idea of getting rid of Cameron, which we don’t think Izzy wants to do.

However, Izzy is worried about going against what Hisam wants at this point. It would also splinter the Professors’ alliance, and we think that Izzy does like where she stands within that group right now. Jared also has her concerns, and it’s really weird hearing Jared and Izzy both feel like Cirie needs to chill.

Also, Cirie is thinking many weeks ahead here and she’d probably prefer Reilly to stay, even if she is erratic and can’t keep a secret to save her life. The problem is that she doesn’t want to alienate anyone close to her especially Izzy since she knows her big secret. She is thinking of getting Jag, Blue, and some other people on board if Reilly leaves.

We also watched Cory telling Reilly to start talking with Izzy making it clear to her that Cirie is not going to flip on her own. It’s probably the best advice she’s gotten in a while, but we don’t think she’s listening enough.

Instead, Reilly is trusting Jag the most though he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse as much because he’s been focusing on Reilly for his good.

Do you think Cirie would actually flip to save Reilly? Comment below…

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Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 2 HOH Target List


The Week 2 HOH Hisam is most likely to give us one of the most entertaining weeks of Big Brother 25.

Hisam won the Head Of House competition on Friday morning, putting the other side of the house “the professors” in power for the first time. That means they are officially in charge.

Jared was close to the winning HOH but picked the wrong door and was sucked into the Nether Region in which he was gone for much longer than Cory was in week 1. With Hisam in control, the “Handful” knew they were in trouble and immediately started wondering if they could mitigate the impending doom by convincing Hisam to put up Cory and America or Cory and Felicia or one person from each side of the house.

However, Hisam told Felicia that she was good and he was not picking off people from their side but had a target list of his own.

Hisam’s target list order was ReillyCameron, and Matt, with Reilly and Cameron as potential norms, but he would consult with the Professors first.

If Cirie had her way, however, Hisam would backdoor Cameron. That could still happen depending on the Veto, after which Cirie could convince everyone that’s the right move since Cameron rubs multiple people the wrong way.

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Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 2 Nominations, Who Did HOH Nominate


Nomination spoilers are in again for the second week of Big Brother 25 as the new HOH Hisam who is set and determined to make a big impact this week.

During the one-on-one conversations, Hisam openly confronted the opposing side by explaining that he was aware of being targeted by Reilly last week who was HOH. He questioned how he could leave her in safety knowing what he knew. Moreover, the threats were not disguised, and the consequences of standing in his way were made clear to the HGs.

Big Brother 25 Week 2 Nominations

Hisam nominated:Cameron & Reilly

Hisam wants Reilly out this week and Cirie would love to see Cameron out the door. Who will get their wish? Seems likely and entirely possible for at one of them to get their way with both targets starting on the Block.

Leading up to the Ceremony, Hisam did his best to explain to her how he didn’t want to backdoor her, as he doesn’t think that this is a super-fair way to win the game. He laid the compliments on thick and even when Reilly cried, he handled that fairly well also. He also painted the picture as though nominating her was something that he had to do and it wasn’t personal at all

Coming up is the Power of Veto competition and then Monday for the Veto Meeting. Sunday at 8/7c we’ll get the next episode with these nominations.

What do you think of these picks? Good game moves by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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Kirsten Elwin’s ‘Big Brother 25’ exit interview: “I’m really surprised’ and feel betrayed by Cirie”


Kirsten Elwin became the first houseguest evicted from Big Brother season 25 on Thursday night’s episode. The 25-year old molecular biologist from Houston was evicted on Day 9 by a unanimous vote of 13-0 over Felicia Cannon. Unlike previous seasons, Kirsten was not put on the block by the reigning Head of Household. Instead, she was one of four players who lost a competition on Day 1, which placed her on the block alongside the three other comp losers: Felicia, Cory Wurtenberger and Jared Fields. When Reilly Smedley won the HOH competition she was allowed to take two off the block, but she chose save Cory and Jared.

“I’m really surprised,” Kirsten admitted to host Julie Chen Moonves during her exit interview. “I had pretty good relationships with a lot of people in the house. I tried to get a ‘yes’ or a definitive answer from people about two to three times before I made any decisions. I made sure I checked in with them and everyone pretty much said, ‘You’re good. We got you. You got my vote.’”

“People wanted it to be a unanimous vote no matter what, as there’s been so much tension in the house,” she explained. “People did want to know, ‘Hey, who do you have?’ And I just felt like it was a little bit peculiar to say, ‘Oh, this particular person’ and name all these people. I’ve seen that go wrong in previous seasons, where you list out your numbers – namely with Swaggy in Season 20. I didn’t feel comfortable naming names.”

Kirsten says she feels most betrayed by Cirie Fields. “She said that [our conversations] were private between us and then she took it to the HOH to prevent [Felicia] from getting evicted.” Despite her early eviction, Kirsten closed out her interview stating, “I had so much fun!”

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 4 Recap: Was Kirsten or Felicia (or no one) evicted on August 10?


Heading into the first live eviction episode of “Big Brother 25,” the game was unexpectedly shaken up when the producers expelled Luke Valentine for his use of the N-word. That had everyone both inside and outside the house wondering if the live eviction of either Felicia Cannon or Kirsten Elwin would still go on as normal. Remember, just last summer, the backstage twist was scrapped when Paloma Aguilar voluntarily quit the show, which meant block-mates Taylor Hale and Terrance Higgins were both spared; Taylor went on to win the game. So who ended up being evicted on Thursday night?

Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 4 recap find out what happened on Thursday, August 10 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Here are all of the houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America LopezBlue KimBowie JaneCameron HardinCory WurtenbergerFelicia CannonHisam GoueliIzzy GleicherJag BainsJared FieldsKirsten ElwinMatthew “Matt” KlotzMecole HayesRed UtleyReilly Smedley and Cirie Fields.

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the third episode, Hisam won the first Veto competition of the summer, but decided not to ruffle any feathers by using it this early. Thus, both Felicia and Kirsten were still on the block come eviction night. Elsewhere in the house, multiple massive alliances were created, included the Handful, the Bye Bye Bitches and a larger eight-person group that Cirie was not a part of. But enough about last night — let’s see how this eviction plays out!

9:05 p.m. – Following the Veto Meeting on Day 6, Hisam confessed in the Diary Room that he’s noticed the “young people” in an alliance together so he didn’t want to use the veto and expose himself to a potentially large alliance. He’s under the impression that all sides of the house are in agreement that Kirsten should be the first to go anyway.

9:07 p.m. – America was the first player to see the value in keeping Kirsten around, noticing that she’s a “free agent” that could be good to attach to at the same time that Felicia is close with Cirie and should be taken out. Elsewhere, Hisam spoke to Cirie, Felicia and Bowie Jane about them having a chance to bond together as older people and show everyone that the younger players do not always get to dominate the game every season. Cirie was on board with what Hisam suggested in that moment, that they’d form a seven-person alliance including Izzy, Mecole, and Red. Izzy decided that they’d name their alliance The Professors because “they’re taking the kids to school.”

9:15 p.m. – Feeling ostracized and alone by the rest of the house, Kirsten was feeling the pressure of being on the block. She attempted to speak to Luke about her predicament, but after their conversation Luke went back to tell Jared, Hisam and Cory about it and during that conversation Luke casually used the N-word, laughing it off and then talking about it with Jared later. Later that day, BB came on the mic to ask him to go to the Diary Room “downstairs” and he never returned to the house.

9:19 p.m. – Later in the afternoon, Reilly called everyone to the living room where she read a note from BB that explained Luke was removed from the house for using a racial slur, a breach of their code of conduct. Cory explained to everyone else what he understood the situation to be, describing the situation from earlier. Jared jumped in to stop Cory because he wasn’t sure that it was Cory’s place to make it a “family conversation” with everyone in the house. In a confessional, Jared said that ignorance shouldn’t be confused with malice.

9:21 p.m. – When the game returned to the looming eviction, Reilly touched base with Red who told her that he’s not involved in any alliances and that he’s willing to vote how she wants him to. But he did offer up his observation of who people might be aligned with, naming all of the people in her exact alliance. He read her reaction and could tell immediately that he “hit the nail on the head” with who she’s aligned with. Izzy had a similar conversation with Reilly later, but Izzy wanted to “cut the b.s.” and be clear that they’re working with people on opposite sides of the house. Despite that, Izzy told Reilly that she’s “looking out for you.” When Izzy told Cirie about the convo with Reilly, Cirie was worried that Izzy might be exposing too much in these talks with other people.

9:26 p.m. – When the young person alliance got together, they considered the idea that Kirsten might be someone they can keep around. Reilly feels like Kirsten would feel indebted to her if she saves her and taking out Felicia would not be a loss for their alliance.

9:31 p.m. – Prior to their housemates casting their votes, the two nominees got to make a pitch to stay. Kirsten told everyone that she can give them loyalty in return for their fairness, stressing that she trained to be on the show and is determined to fight hard. Felicia expressed how much pleasure she’s had meeting everyone and that she has “a ton more game” to play.

9:33 p.m. – The houseguests cast their votes: Hisam for Kirsten, Jag for Kirsten, Izzy for Kirsten, Cameron for Kirsten.

9:40 p.m. – The voting continued: Matt for Kirsten, Blue for Kirsten, America for Kirsten, Mecole for Kirsten, Cirie for Kirsten, Bowie Jane for Kirsten, Cory for Kirsten, Red for Kirsten, and Jared for Kirsten. With that, Julie gave the news to the houseguests that by an unanimous 13-0, Kirsten was evicted.

9:50 p.m. – Kirsten told Julie she’s surprised she was the first eviction because she felt like she had good connections with people early on. She also said that a number of people told her they wanted her to stay, but that ultimately they were more interested in the vote being unanimous and so they just had to vote with the majority. She feels most betrayed by Cirie because of the private conversations they had getting exposed to Reilly. When it came to the “secret relationship,” Kirsten was completely shocked to learn Cirie is Jared’s mom.

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Tonight’s episode on ‘Big Brother 25’ will include Week 1 eviction vote between Kirsten and Felicia – Maybe?

Felicia Cannon and Kirsten Elwin

Big Brother 25 will be back tonight with it’s first eviction of the season as houseguests Kirsten and Felicia await their fate at the hands of the Diary Room votes. Well, maybe they will. With everything that’s happened in the past day we’re not sure what to expect tonight but looking back just one season provides some clues on what we could see in the first live eviction show on BB25.

The Feeds have been down inside the Big Brother 25 house since 11:37 AM BBT on Wednesday when presumably the Houseguests were called to the living room and received a message from production regarding the departure of Luke Valentine from the game. Luke was heard using a racial slur in a late night talk with other Houseguests overnight on Tuesday. He was appropriately removed from Big Brother 25 as a result.

Oddly enough, a somewhat similar situation happened last season during the same first week. You’ll remember Paloma departed the game, though under different circumstances, and the eviction for Week 1 was canceled as a result. So we shouldn’t be surprised to have something like that happened again, giving a last minute reprieve to both Kirsten and Felicia.

Look, production has fourteen weeks to get through for a 100-Day season and they’ve now got only sixteen HGs to make it happen. Not sure how they’re going to pull that off without a few extra Battle Backs or bringing in a new HG mid-season but the latter is difficult without someone having been in sequester during at least this past week.

For tonight’s show lets expect a discussion of Luke’s behavior, a warning to the rest of the HGs (and future HGs!) to avoid anything like it, then Julie will probably announce the vote has been called off and instead we’ll get a new Head of Household competition.

What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? We’ll soon see who wins this next big competition with our spoilers to follow!

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Cirie And Jared Talk About Who They Want Out Of The House


As usual, the Big Brother live feeds always have something entertaining for us to watch! However, the mother-son duo Cirie and Jared always have interesting talks whenever they meet.

Though many of us are still wondering how they got to play the game together, it is still much fun watching them together still trying so hard to keep their relationship a secret and working with all sides of the house as well as alliances.

They have been so busy planning their game plans so that neither one of them is in immediate danger and with that, they don’t have to win Head of Household.

It’s unclear who they want to get rid of, but it seems like Jag and Blue are at the top of the list. Jared is considering getting rid of Reilly soon, but he and Cirie had lengthy talks with her to ease her concerns because they see her as a valuable asset for future plans but with a catch.

However on the other hand Jared is worried about Reilly getting power again since her case of HoH is next level because there are other threats she is working with and beyond just that, she has other allies like Matt who are pretty physical.

Even though most of her eight-person alliance has jumped ship to some extent, including people like Cameron and Cory. She never really had Jared which is why he wants to get rid of Reilly.

At the moment, the goal for Cirie and Jared is just to make sure the rest of the house has some targets that are not them or anyone too close to them.

How do you rate the mother-son duo game plan, do you think it will workout?

Remember to come back for more updates. Also, be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update.