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Big Brother 25: Why Felicia may be Cirie’s biggest threat!


Felicia Cannon, who Cirie Fields made a final two deal with, may pose a big threat to Cirie’s game as she considers replacing her with someone else as her final two choice. The two have a unique bond due to their age difference, but Felicia may prioritize her own game over their alliance.

Okay! This move is pretty basic but again Cirie has that strong social game than Felicia. Lets say in terms of gaining allies and convincing them to sacrifice their own game for her, Cirie has proved successful in previous reality TV shows she has managed to feature on like Survivor and The Traitors, which she won.

Meanwhile, Big Brother presents a unique challenge for Cirie, as the cast is larger, and she has to navigate relationships with more people. A case in point this season of Big Brother 25 started with 17 houseguests in total, whereas Survivor starts with smaller tribes. That means Cirie needs to account for many more people. She thought she had Felicia Cannon in her pocket, but she might be her biggest threat.

Felicia on considering to replace Cirie in her Final 2 deal:

Felicia started the season sitting pretty. That’s because everyone in the house liked her and that comes with the good and the bad. Reilly Smedley put her on the block as a pawn next to Kirsten Elwin because it was certain she wouldn’t get any votes. Houseguests who get used as pawns usually lose respect as a player and get repeatedly put on the block. But that didn’t happen with Felicia. She hasn’t touched the block since the first week and has won Head of Household once.

Another feather in Felicia’s hat is Cirie. Cirie made a final two-deal with Felicia. This would probably be real for Cirie if her son, Jared Fields, wasn’t in the house and Izzy Gleicher didn’t know their secret. It seems like Cirie and Felicia relate to each other the most with a 10-year age difference between them. The rest of the house respects them, and Felicia is really the only one who can command a certain respect from Cirie because of her age.

But because Felicia is an elder, she is also less likely to give up her game to Cirie. On August 27, Felicia told Jared that she had a deal with Cirie to bring each other to the end. However, Felicia thinks it might be smarter to bring Jared instead. Actually it would be smarter since Jared is less of a threat to her jury votes. But he would have a fighting chance if Cirie is on that jury to sway other people. Felicia has a better chance at winning with anyone sitting beside her in the finale…except for Cirie.

Will Cirie cut Felicia first?

Jared tells Cirie about most of the game conversations he’s had with other houseguests. So it’s not surprising it didn’t take long for him to tell his mother about Felicia’s pitch. Cirie didn’t want to believe it at first, and it could’ve been the timing. The mother tried to convince Jared to vote to evict Blue Kim, who was sitting on the block in week 4.

Jared was adamant that would be bad for his game. He’s in a showmance with Blue and has a lot of influence over her. Jag Bains is a competition threat and Jared doesn’t have much sway with him. Jared doesn’t know this, but Jag has also correctly suspected Jared of ratting out The Handful alliance at the beginning of the season. Jared argued with his mom that he didn’t trust other houseguests as much as Blue, and he told Cirie about Felicia to make it a point that she shouldn’t either.

It seemed like Jared’s warning sunk in later for Cirie. She talked about now having to worry about Felicia. But there are so many other houseguests left in the game. Cirie might wait to take out Felicia later or change her plans once someone in her alliance gains power. But there is a very real possibility that Felicia could move forward with her plan to betray Cirie making her the biggest threat to her game. It’s going to come down to who makes the first move between them.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25: What you didn’t know about Jag Bains


Jag Bains, a houseguest on Big Brother 25, is rapidly gaining popularity among viewers as the first Sikh houseguest to ever take part in the reality competition show.

On premiere night, Jag impressively won the BB Comics-verse game almost immediately, connecting wires from a table to a goo bomb, which exploded if it was correct.

However, last night Jag survived eviction after Matt using the BB power of invisibility to save him over Blue. Before Jag could exit the Big Brother house, a new message was transmitted from the Comic-verse that said the BB Power of Invincibility had been activated and Jag was saved from eviction after all the houseguests had voted to evict him.

So besides all this what don’t you know about Jag Bains? Let’s get into it right away;

Jag is 25 years old, which makes him one of the youngest houseguests in this season of Big Brother.

Jag is a gas truck company owner. He and his brother also own a real estate company called Bains Bros. In his premiere night package, Jag said that he wants to make his fellow contestants believe that he’s a loud, outgoing, air-headed guy, but in college, he pursued three majors. According to a post on his Instagram page by his alma mater, UW Foster School of Business, he graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Business Administration.

Jag is from Omak, Washington. Omak is a small town. On Instagram, Jag revealed that his town only has three stoplights. Jag grew up watching Big Brother in Omak and is a huge fan of the show.

In an interview with Parade, Jag also shared what it means to him to make history as the first Sikh Punjabi houseguest. He described it as”incredible” and “so humbling.” Jag explained, “It’s my dream, so it’s everything I could have imagined. And it’s the perfect season for it as well. Representing my Sikh community is so important to me. I wear a turban. This is how I represent myself every day. So to come to the show, be who I am, represent not only myself but my family, my people, my community, it means the world to me.”

Jag can be found on Instagram at @thejagbains. Although he doesn’t have many posts, two of them highlight his work with the Special Olympics. Also if he is your favorite why not follow him today?

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!


‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 13 Recap: Find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 31

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother 25 Episode 13 – CBS

Heading into this week 4 ’s live eviction episode of “Big Brother 25,” Blue Kim and Jag Bains were sitting on the chopping block after Head of Household Cameron Hardin nominated them and Veto winner Red Utley chose not to save them. Blue and Jag have been besties since day one, and they had a cry fest as they realized one of them would now be leaving the game.

So which way did the house vote on Thursday night? Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 13 recap to find out what happened on Thursday, August 31 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.

As of this writing, Here are the 13 houseguests still in the running to win the $750,000 grand prize: America LopezBlue KimBowie JaneCameron HardinCory WurtenbergerFelicia CannonIzzy GleicherJag BainsJared FieldsMatt KlotzMecole HayesRed Utley and Cirie Fields.

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 12th episode, Jared told Blue he was related to somebody in the house, but she couldn’t figure out whether it was Mama Cirie or Mama Felicia. Red dominated the adventure-themed Veto competition but chose not to use his “golden” power to save either Blue or Jag, despite Red and Cameron realizing the trio of Cirie, Felicia and Izzy were dominating their Legend 25 alliance. But enough about Wednesday night’s episode, let’s get to the live eviction!

9:05 p.m. – Red explained that keeping the nominees the same were the best way for him and Cameron to secure Jag’s eviction this week. Little did they know that they were everyone else’s main target and that even with Blue or Jag going home, nearly everyone else in the house was primed to work against them next week.

9:07 p.m. – After the Veto meeting, Cameron told Blue that she has nothing to worry about and that as long as she lays low through the week that Jag would go home. Little did he know that Jag was working overtime to convince everyone in the house that he’d be the “better ally” in the house in order to go after Red and Cameron in the next week. He told Cirie, Izzy, and Matt that he’s putting trust in “this team” and that they have to save him this week. Cirie thought the thing for them to consider this week is that if Red and Cameron want Jag gone, shouldn’t they keep him around to indirectly take a shot at them?

9:10 p.m. – Cirie’s problem with the plan to vote out Blue is communicating to Jared that his showmance is going to get sacrificed. Cirie tried to ask Jared to help them vote against her, but he was worried that it would be obvious he’s the one that voted her out. Cirie pushed it with Jared, saying “I need this one.” Furthermore, Jared did not like being told what to do and he didn’t like being left out of the decision that his alliance made without him. Privately in the Diary Room, Jared said that he’s “trying to be one of the greatest also” and that he’s not afraid of going against his mom if it means not being told what to do.

9:13 p.m. – The houseguests were startled when they received an unexpected message from the Comic-verse. They learned about the new “superpower” that fans voted on to give four players the chance to win this new power. The results of the vote and the competition were secret though — each player entered a room on their own to learn if they’d play and then the results who won would also be kept secret. We knew that the power they’d be fighting for is the BB Power of Invincibility, a rare superpower to save someone from eviction in one of the next few evictions, including tonight.

9:18 p.m. – First to enter the Temple of Power was America, but she learned she wasn’t chosen to compete. Neither was Bowie or Cameron, but Cirie was! In the timed challenge Cirie had to get a ball fully across a tipping pathway without falling off quicker than anyone else. The other three houseguests chosen to compete were Cory, Matt, and Jag. That means Blue, Red, Izzy, Felicia, Jared, and Mecole were not able to compete for the new power.

9:29 p.m. – Later in the week, each of the competitors entered the Diary Room to learn the results of the competition. Matt was the player that had the fastest time of 0:45. He learned that he now has the power to save one of the next to evicted houseguests, including himself. He knew immediately that the power could “cause a lot of chaos” and he’d be at the center of it if people find out he has the power. Not knowing what to do with the power, his first thought was to confide in Cirie that he won it because she’d give good advice and it would buy trust with her. For Cirie, that “moved Matt so far up” her ladder of alliances and she suddenly realized she’d be willing to work with him as deep as final three or four.

9:33 p.m. – Matt and Cirie considered the option of Matt using the power to save Jag this week because they see him as a good player that is loyal. But if they save him then no one would go home this week and that would create a situation where Cameron can suddenly play HOH again and they would potentially have to deal with them being mad and possibly in power again.

9:39 p.m. – In their final statements and pleas to the houseguests, Blue said that she believes she’s played strategically and that she has more to show so she asks that they consider saving her. Jag mentioned his friendships with everyone in the house and he wants to continue to build memories with all of them.

9:41 p.m. – The houseguests placed their votes to evict: Red for Jag, Jared for Jag, Cory for Jag, and America for Jag.

9:48 p.m. – The voting continued: Matt for Jag, Cirie for Jag, Felicia for Jag, Izzy for Jag, Mecole for Jag, and Bowie for Jag. In the fourth straight unanimous vote, Julie announced to the houseguests that Jag was evicted 10-0. Before Jag would exit the Big Brother house though, a new message was transmitted from the Comic-verse. Red delivered the message that said the BB Power of Invincibility has been activated and Jag was saved from eviction. As expected, the power also came with the result that everyone can compete in the next Head of Household competition, including outgoing HOH Cameron.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ drama: America is ‘for sure pissed off’ – She declares to go after Cirie, Izzy or Felicia if she happens to win HOH


America Lopez is not dealing well with Cirie Fields, Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon as she feels they’ve done no good but harm to everybody in the ‘Big Brother 25’ house and nobody wants to call them out on it. “I am just annoyed!,” she declared yesterday afternoon during her chat with Cory. “If I win HOH I am putting Cirie and Izzy or Felicia and Izzy on the block… I don’t care! They have sh*t with everybody and nobody calls them out on it. Like the house is them..”

Well, For those keeping track at home, Legend 25 is one of the many alliances this season and it includes Cameron, Izzy Gleicher, Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, Matt Klotz, Red Utley, Bowie Jane and Mecole Hayes. Two people not in that group are, America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger, meanwhile the two were promised safety by Week 4’s HOH Cameron when he made a deal with America to win the Pressure Cooker HOH competition.

As for America, being safe this week isn’t enough for her as she revealed to Cory during their ‘Backyard Hammock Talk’ on why and how badly she wants to go after Cirie & Izzy or Felicia & Izzy if she happens to win HOH in week 5 or so…

Flashback to 8/29 at 11:45pm BBT and 12:28pm BBT on the Live Feeds to watch the Backyard Hammock talk between America and Cory.

11:45pm Backyard Hammock – America and Cory

Cory – I am telling you the burrito thing. I went upstairs because I thought he was going to talk to me and there was like nothing. – but like no one sees that they just see you walking up to the HOH room. Like the story you say is true and the story they say makes more sense.

America – I know .. I just wanted a burrito. I mean f**k them .. whatever! The 7 .. is so f**king stupid! Its so fake and you telling me that its like real is so dumb. Like no they’re loyal to their four and that’s it. Five including POO. But like we’re not in on it or I’m not in on it at all. Like I am walking into the storage room at 8am to change out my batteries and its Felicia, Cirie, Meme and Izzy and they like disperse like ants. Like at 8am in the morning what the f**k can you be whispering about!? Its just annoying! That was this morning.. you know what I mean!? Like its like am I not supposed to be in an alliance with you guys, like how f**King stupid do you think I am!? I am just annoyed!

Cory – so what do you propose?

America – If I win HOH I am putting Cirie and Izzy or Felicia and Izzy on the block… I don’t care! They have sh*t with everybody and nobody calls them out on it. Like the house is them.. They have the numbers. Like why not.. I just don’t understand.

Cory – Uh.. We’ll talk about it.

America – Like we’re just going to keep playing their game?! And like literally taking out Cam and Red and Bowie? Who are like … and I understand they’re not with us but like.. they’re targeting them because they’re not with them and I’m supposed to be doing that for them when like they don’t even f**king talk to me?!

Cory – well lets talk it through, you put up Cirie and Izzy, what happens?

America – one of them goes home?

Cory – okay what happens next week?

America – they play… AND?!

Cory – and we’re just rooting for Cam, Red and Bowie?

America – yeah. UGH! I just don’t like anybody.

Cory – here is the optimistic way of looking at it..

America – what are the chances they win? They haven’t won anything!

Cory – yeah but we’re getting close to a point where there is no one left but them. Here is the optimistic way of looking at it we are going to .. if we stick to our position now we are probably going to work our way to the final ten.. right!?

America – MMMmmhhmmm.

Cory – comfortably. We won’t have any problems and then this thing will start to collapse.

America – Mmmmhmmm.

Cory – Izzy is already talking about down the road. Jared is already talking about how do I keep Blue for as long as possible. There will be opportunities to… 11:55pm BB feeds cut.

12:28pm Hammock talk continues  between America & Cory..

Cory – you’re not nominating Cirie and Izzy… not yet.

America – we’ll see!

Cory – in the medium future.

America – in the medium future.. UGH.. Cam and Izzy.

Cory – that would be something. I mean it would just be Cam going home.

America – not if he wins the veto.

Cory – and then who are you going to replace him with? Bowie?

America – I am looking at him.

Cory – me, I think I would go home. Ahhh.. I think there would be a world I stayed.

America – I think you would stay.

Cory – I would need Red, Jared, Bowie, Blue and f**King Matt…. I would not stay. I would go home.. before jury.

America – oh well. That’s what happens. You shouldn’t have rejected me in the swing bed.

Cory – did I reject you OR like soft reject you?

America – no, no, no, I wasn’t going to do anything.. EVER. Cory looks at her.

America – I wasn’t, I wasn’t. I was just joking around with you.

Cory – well the tape will tell all.

America – I was just joking around with you. Cory – I know. I know. BB blocks the feeds again..

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it!

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25: America confesses her feelings for Cory


Another Big Brother showmance is drawing the eyes of many live feed viewers. The relationship between Jared Fields and Blue Kim is well-known, but a second showmance surfaced within the BB25 cast.

America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger are having lots of fun getting to know each other, and the cuddle sessions give them much joy. America even admitted to Izzy Gleicher that she has a crush on Cory. Though he sometimes seems oblivious to her advances.

The result of this pairing has been a cute relationship. And it has fans rooting for Cory and America on social media.

Cory (a 21-year-old college student from Florida) and America (a 27-year-old medical receptionist from New York) haven’t had much screen time on episodes due to other dramatic characters. That could change as they continue surviving on Big Brother 25.

During the live feeds America talked to Izzy about her feelings for Cory. This discussion happened after Cory got called to the Diary Room, giving the women a moment to discuss him.

“I love Cory. He’s cute. He’s growing on me just a little bit,” America told Izzy with a big smile.

Another cute conversation between America and Cory took place on the backyard hammock. Based on America’s comment about Cory’s heart beating fast, he enjoyed spending time with her.

As for Cory’s side of things, he has mentioned America during Diary Room sessions on episodes. And in the clip below, he briefly chats with Izzy about enjoying his cuddling time with America.

Also, in a conversation from earlier this season, Cory and America laughed about how attractive Matt Klotz has been this season. It’s another conversation showing their comfort together.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Jared and Cirie clash – Is Blue in trouble?


The mother and son duo clashing! It was bound to happen at some point but who would have thought it would happen this early?

While Cirie and Izzy have been working to flip the vote on Blue and blindside her, they realize that she is a problem when it comes to Jared.

ALSO READ: Jared “let’s the cat out of the bag” – He reveals to Blue that Cirie is his mom!

On Saturday Cirie claimed that she and her allies would tell Jared right before the eviction. That didn’t happen. Instead, she informed him as to what was going on and he did not like it one bit. He doesn’t trust Izzy, he feels burned by her; yet, Cirie keeps telling him that he needs to trust her.

This feels like a rare mistake from Cirie, given that Jared could run back to Cameron, and tell him that Blue is becoming a target, and he and Red could put someone else on the block to ensure that Jag goes. Granted, Cirie would probably be mad if that happened. Also, she’s going to be mad already once she finds out that Jared told Blue his mom was in the Big Brother 25. (Glad, Blue thinks it’s Felicia and he hasn’t corrected her on that.)

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25 spoilers: Jared “let’s the cat out of the bag” – He reveals to Blue that Cirie is his mom!

The “BIG SECRET” of Big Brother 25 that host Julie Chen likes to keep telling evicted Houseguests (how Survivor’s Cirie Fields is related to HG Jared Fields) is finally out thanks to “Prince Charming” – Jared.

At some point we all suspected that Jared was going to screw up and let his secret out once he got involves in showmance with fellow houseguest Blue but who knew it would be this soon. Well, this won’t go well for Cirie or Jared and it may even put a target on Blue.

It’s dangerous info because when it comes down to it, Cirie would never turn on her son and one would hope the same for Jared. So what’s Jared doing running his mouth like this? After days of teasing Blue that he held a secret about his position in the game and how he couldn’t tell her, well so much for that.

Flashback to 8/27 at 1:43 AM BBT on the Live Feeds to watch as Jared blows his cover and a major twist to the Big Brother season, likely all in a bid to impress his showmance.

Jared tells Blue, “what if I told you my mom is in the game?” She doesn’t seem to immediately get that he’s serious and asks what’s his secret. “I just told you,” Jared explains. But as the talk continues a twist is added to the truth. Blue thinks it’s Felicia, no Cirie.

Blue says she wouldn’t treat the situation any differently. “That changes nothing for me,” explains Blue. Blue says she wouldn’t put up Jared and his mom, but instead would put up “her and Cirie.” See, she thinks it’s Felicia.

Blue continues to insist this information wouldn’t make her approach change in the game. Jared isn’t convinced and he also continues to try and play the “if it’s true” on what he’s told her. Jared thinks he’s very clever. Of course he’s not and this reveal has done nothing to benefit his game and only puts him and Cirie at risk.

So at this point Blue knows Jared’s mother is in the game, but she has the wrong impression of who it might be. How long before she tells Jag or another ally? Right now Blue is on the Block and while Jag was the main target earlier yesterday things have shifted and Blue might now be the new plan for eviction. If she discovers that will she try to use this info as leverage?

And what about Cirie finding out? If she knows that now Izzy isn’t the only one who knows, will that reinforce Cirie’s interest in getting out Blue this week to refocus Jared’s attention on the game? Am sure this will cause a big mess in the house but for us fans, it will be fun.

What do you think will happen next? Will Blue keep this news to herself? Will Jared be the one to reveal that he’s shared the secret? We’ve got a lot to watch for over the next few days of Big Brother 25!

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Big Brother 25’s Hisam Goueli explains why he and Cory got off on the wrong foot


Big Brother 25’s Hisam Goueli sheds some light on his rocky relationship with fellow houseguest Cory Wurtenberger.

Earlier on Big Brother season 25, Hisam, 45, was captured on the live feeds saying that he kept calling Cory, 21, “Cody” by mistake because, “subconsciously I hate him.” The pair were not aligned in the house and Cory helped ensure Hisam was evicted during the Thursday, August 24, episode of BB25.

Keep reading below for Hisam’s exclusive interview with Us Weekly…

Well, After his unanimous eviction over fellow houseguest Cameron, Hisam exclusively spoke to Us Weekly and revealed why he and Cory got off on the wrong foot.

“I looked at Cory [early in the game] and I said, ‘We might be able to work together.’ … And Cory said, ‘I’m so glad you brought this conversation up because I would love that,” Hisam recalled.

“And then, in 12 hours or so, the energy had shifted and I felt that immediately. And I couldn’t figure out exactly why. And then I found out that he was obviously in an alliance that did not include me,” he continued, referring to Cory’s Handful alliance, which included HGs Reilly SmedleyJag BainsMatt KlotzCameron HardinBlue KimJared Fields and America Lopez.

Hisam also noted that although he “tried to repair” things with Cory, he “just felt there was a dishonest or [disingenuous] component to him.”

Hisam and Cory were both present when houseguest Luke Valentine used the N-word during a conversation captured on the live feeds earlier this month. Luke, 30, was later expelled from the game for using the racial slur.

When the houseguests learned that Luke had been removed, Cory came forward and admitted that he’d been present for the incident in question. Hisam, however, said that he didn’t hear Luke say the offensive remark.

“I never heard it. … If I had heard the word, I would’ve responded. I am not complicit in racism, in any stretch of the imagination,” he told Us, adding that he “didn’t assume anything had happened” because Cory “didn’t mention anything” after they both left the room. “Had I heard the word, I would’ve said something because I’m not complicit in that kind of behavior.”

Cory wasn’t the only houseguest that Hisam had friction with. His Professors alliance members — including Felicia CannonCirie Fields and Izzy Gleicher — conspired to nominate him for eviction after his tendency to dominate conversation began to rub them the wrong way.

The alliance decided to employ the infamous backdoor strategy on him by waiting to nominate him until the Veto Competition had been played so he didn’t get a chance to compete for his safety.

“I went into the game with the expectation that I would not backdoor anyone. And that was really important to me. And I did set that expectation early so that hopefully people would honorably not do that to me,” Hisam told Us Weekly. “But it is a game move.”

Although all of Hisam’s allies betrayed him, he’s still rooting for one person from the Professors to win: Mecole Hayes.

“I do really like Meme. I think she’s really lovely,” he said. “I think she’s poised, I think she’s sophisticated, I think that she’s smart, I think that she has a good story. I love Meme quite a bit and I would be thrilled if she was the season 25 winner.”

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

Article Credit: Us Weekly..

Hisam Goueli’s ‘Big Brother 25’ exit interview: ‘I just made too many bad decisions — like trusting the wrong people’


Hisam Goueli became the fourth houseguest to exit the “Big Brother” when he was evicted by a vote of 11-0 Thursday night. The 45-year old geriatric physician from Seattle was ousted on Day 23 over Cameron Hardin. Head of Household Felicia Cannon backdoored her former alliance member after Jag Bains won the veto and removed himself from the block on Wednesday.

“I’m a really fierce competitor,” Hisam told Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves during his exit interview. “I’m really direct, I’m bold and I’m really honest. Sometimes people can be intimidated by that. I just made too many bad decisions — like trusting the wrong people.”

He revealed he planned to work on his trust issues by going on “Big Brother,” but that ultimately didn’t work out. When confronted with his fellow houseguests comparing to his reign as HOH last week as a dictatorship, Hisam was understanding. “There’s pressure being the Head of Household and trying to make decisions and trying to navigate the game. I was also trying to navigate how all seven of us could make it to the end. Part of that was trying to strategize how we all make it. Sometimes you’re just blinded by what you think is best. Outside this I’m a doctor and I make really tough decisions all the time. I try to give as much feedback as possible, but in the end a decision has to be made. I had no fear about making decisions.”

He continues, “Part of it was, I was trying to listen to what people had to say and I was also trying to make decisions about what was morally important to me. It led to me being a little bit blinded.” When Julie revealed to him that Cirie Fields was Jared’s mother, Hisam was shocked but wished them well. “That makes sense,” he responded. “They look alike! They’ve done a very good job of hiding it. Good for them. I hope they go to the end! I hope they win!” In closing, Hisam said of his “Big Brother” experience, “I had a great time. I learned a lot and I’m so glad I did it.”

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 10 Recap: Find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 24


Heading into the third live eviction episode of ‘Big Brother 25’ last night, Week 3 Head of Household Felicia Cannon had just made good on her promise to backdoor Hisam GoueliJag Bains winning the Veto and removing himself from the block gave Felicia the opportunity she needed to put up her true target (Hisam) alongside her pawn (Cameron Hardin). So who ended up being the third person voted out of the “BB25” house on Thursday night?

Read on to find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 24 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT with our minute-by-minute Big Brother Season 25, Episode 10 recap. ..

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the ninth episode, Hisam had no idea that he was really Felicia’s target. The chicken-themed Veto competition took place in the backyard with Jag prevailing, but it came with a punishment as he was forced to wear a yellow chicken costume all week long. Meanwhile, Cirie was not happy Jared was starting to openly flirt with Blue because she was worried it would come back to bite him. But enough about last night — let’s get to the live eviction!

9:06 p.m. – Following his unexpected nomination as Felicia’s replacement, Hisam was left wondering where the pieces fell to get his own alliance to turn on him. It was painful for him to realize that no one in his seven-persona alliance clued him in to it, but his first matter of business was talking to Felicia. She explained that she heard Hisam never saw her as a competitor and that she had to back door him because if she would have nominated him then he would have won the veto. Afterwards, Hisam said in the Diary Room that “as gamely, this is stupid,” but he knew that he couldn’t say that to anyone.

9:09 p.m. – When Hisam talked to Izzy, she admitted that both her and Cirie knew of the plan. Izzy apologized, but said that it was her job to make him feel comfortable and keep him calm throughout the week. He said that it was always his goal to get the alliance to the end, but Izzy said that she wasn’t going to stand for being undermined and being called a “leftover.” She listed all of the things that they heard from America which made Hisam understand that they lost trust in him because of the conversations he was having with other people. He told Izzy that it was just him trying to make connections to other people because he knew he had become vulnerable with his three wins in a row.

9:15 p.m. – With the blindside plan, Hisam had to weight the options for his path forward. He decided that he still wanted to work with Felicia and the original alliance because he sees them as “family” and wants to win together with them. With that in mind he went to Felicia to plead on that basis of “family.” He told her that he thought he was acting in the best interest of everyone, but she pointed out that he never kept them in the loop on his plans and it seemed like he was putting himself first. Later he asked for Izzy’s vote with the same plea and apology, adding that “if there is saving to be had” that he’ll move on from this week and won’t seek revenge. He got emotional with Cirie later when he told her he sees her as “family” and she admitted that she can’t stand in judgment of him because she’s not in his position and doesn’t know what she would have done. He told her that he’d be an aggressive player against the other side and he would fight hard for The Professors. Cirie saw that as a vow of loyalty and that meant she had to consider it.

9:21 p.m. – When Cirie, Felicia and Izzy touched base about their option of keeping Hisam, they evaluated what it would look like if they got rid of Cameron instead. They considered that keeping Hisam would mean he’d be protecting them, but before they could make a decision they needed to bring Hisam into the conversation. Felicia said that she would be a fool to work hard to save Hisam if it meant that he turned around and made her his target. Hisam seemed grateful for the new pledge of trust between them and it gave him hope that it was possible he could stay.

9:28 p.m. – Ahead of the live vote and eviction, each of the nominees had a chance to make one last pitch to the houseguests to sway their votes. Cameron acknowledged that he loves the other houseguests and he thinks they’ve all gotten closer this week. Hisam said that he did some reflecting and learned a lot of things this week because of his mistakes, but learned how to ask for forgiveness. He asked for generosity, mercy and kindness in order to earn their vote this week and that he’d be loyal to them through the end of the game, unlike Cameron.

9:30 p.m. – The houseguests cast their votes to evict: Red for Hisam, Jag for Hisam, Bowie for Hisam, and Blue for Hisam.

9:36 p.m. – The votes continued with: Matt for Hisam, Cirie for Hisam, America for Hisam, Izzy for Hisam, Cory for Hisam, Jared for Hisam, and Mecole for Hisam. That means in the third straight unanimous decision of the season, Hisam was evicted by a vote of 11-0.

9:41 p.m. – Once Hisam left the house, the houseguests were startled by a message from the Scary-verse and a video message from Kaysar Ridha from BB6. He reminded them of the Pressure Cooker competition that he competed in 18 years ago and that they’d be confronted with the legendary challenge, but worse.

9:48 p.m. – In his exit interview, Hisam told Julie that he’s direct, bold and fierce competitor and he acknowledges that it can intimidate people. He says he trusted the wrong people and made too many bad decisions. He accepted that his reign as HOH could be seen as a “dictatorship,” but part of what he was trying to balance is how their entire alliance could get to the end of the game together. He pointed out that he’s not afraid of making decisions so part of his experience was trying to gather the information in order to get the group to a decision. When Julie informed Hisam of Cirie and Jared’s familial relationship he was surprised, but thinks that they’re covering it up very well.

9:53 p.m. – Before we got to the start of the Pressure Cooker HOH comp, we learned that there’s an America’s Vote beginning to give The BB  Power of Invincibility to one player. The top four vote getters will earn the chance to compete for the power to save one of the evicted houseguests in one of the next two evictions, including themselves.

9:58 p.m. – In the backyard, Julie started the Pressure Cooker comp by explaining that the winner will be the last one standing still pressing their button. The other rules are no kneeling, no sitting, no bathroom breaks, and no leaving the box until at least three players have been eliminated. In their order of elimination they must each take the next card 1-10 in order and they each contain something good or something bad. When the competition started, Julie cut the lights and revealed that they’d be competing in pitch darkness, at least to start.

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