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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: A possible ‘blindside’ is underway (of course) — this time for a split vote

Izzy, Cirie and Jared talking on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Tuesday, Sept 5th was Red‘s birthday and his fellow “Big Brother 25” houseguests gift to him was a birthday cake and a plan to blindside him on eviction night.

In the news that will shock absolutely no one, vote-flip shenanigans started to keep Jag and boot Red instead on Thursday. This was partially prompted by suspicions that Red was mending his relationship with Cameron, which Jared, unbeknownst to them, had severed over the weekend by suggesting to Red that Cam had thrown him under the bus, leading to the most dramatic breakup this side of a soap opera. Seriously, it was like “Brokeback Mountain” and “The Banshees of Inisherin” had a baby. Upon being told that Red had tossed out her name, Felicia pushed for them to stick to their original plan of one of Red or Cameron going.

Later, Cirie, plotted a vote-flip with her real child, Jared, and newest child on block, Matt. And unlike the past four weeks, she wants this one to be a split vote at 6-4.  She, Matt, Cameron and Bowie would evict Jag, while Felicia, Cory, America, Izzy, Mecole and Blue would evict Red.

They could really just do 8-2, but this gives her and Matt the option to pin their votes on Cory and America. It’s overly complicated and unnecessary, but Cirie is going to Cirie, and this plan will change about 13 more times before Thursday. America gave Jag a heads-up that he might have the votes to stay this time but advised him not to tell anyone and to casually campaign on Wednesday.

Since last week, Matt has really become Cirie’s new fave kid between this scheming and then imploring him not to tell anyone, especially Felicia, about it. Cirie appears to be turning on Felicia, who cannot keep a secret and blurts out plans and convos to anyone and everyone. Cirie spent some time Tuesday warning Cory that he is high on Felicia’s hit list and that she is OK with Felicia leaving after Cameron and Red. Cirie is probably annoyed by Felicia’s loose lips, but she likely does not want to actually lose one of her closest allies that soon. Instead, she’s trying to build trust with other people and break their trust with Felicia (or whoever) to maintain her 360-degree protection. This is what you do when you’re a social game queen.

So the current plan is for Red to go with a split vote, but there’s a lot of time left before Thursday, and based on the past month, this group loves a good flip flop vote and we’ve still got another day and a half to go before it’s settled. Can Jag really pull off the save here or will he go as originally planned? As much as BB25 flips around they tend to land back at the starting point. We will see on Thursday.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Felicia in big trouble! – Cirie poses her as a renom option in case Cameron gets HOH again

Cirie and Cory talking on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Wait, is Cirie Fields turning on her close ally Felicia Cannon over what she revealed to Cory Wurtenberge? Here’s one we didn’t see coming on the Big Brother 25 Live Feeds!

Earlier yesterday (Tuesday, Sept 5th) Cirie sat with Cory and started to detail to him reasons he should be worried about Felicia Cannon coming after him and it wasn’t far off at the end of it the season. No, the danger is much closer, posits Cirie. Oh my.

Before we jump into what happened on Tuesday morning in the Big Brother house with Cirie and Cory let’s rewind to Monday on the Feeds. Cirie was talking with Felicia and Izzy and brings up the curious fact that America and Cory are already aware that Jag is going this week. Oh, I told them, explains Felicia. Hah! So much for the big plan to keep this a secret from the duo that had lost trust with the powers in the house.

Cirie leans back and laughs heartily but maybe she wasn’t so entertained by that move after all. Fast forward to Tuesday, Sept 5th at 10:10 AM BBT on Cams 1/2 to watch and you’ll find her with Cory in the hammock.

Cirie warns Cory that Felicia has put him on her target list. Cory asks how much time he’s got. It’s not much, says Cirie, next three weeks. Cirie says Felicia worries about Cory once they get to the Q&A comps portion of the season.

Cirie also adds that she still wants Cameron out next then probably Red, but after that then she’s okay with Felicia going. Along with that, Cirie poses Felicia as a renom option in case Cameron gets HOH again. Yikes!

So what’s going on here with Cirie and her obviously close ally of Felicia? Does Cirie really want Felicia out? We’re really doubtful, but we also do think Cirie wants to isolate Cory away from Felicia. If Felicia was giving him info that Cirie wasn’t then Cory might start to think he’s in a better position with Felicia than Cirie and that would undermine her position with him which already isn’t the best.

More than trying to actually get her ally evicted we do believe Cirie is trying to disconnect HGs from one another while keeping herself tied to them. And also the comment about Cameron using Felicia as a renom, maybe that’s one of those “anyone but me!” sort of things. Hmm.

What do you think is going on with Cirie and Felicia? Is Cirie actually done with Felicia or was this just a facade for Cory to lose trust in Felicia? Share your thoughts in the comment section below…

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Big Brother 25’s Luke shades the show for leaving Jared in after the R-Word Controversy


Ex-Big Brother 25 houseguest Luke Valentine is criticizing the show for failing to take action against current Head Of Household Jared Fields after he used a slur.

Luke was removed from the game in the first week of the season for using a racial slur in casual conversation, and he has shown no remorse for his actions since then.

While Luke, who used the phrase in conversation with Jared in particular, hasn’t been very public since his Big Brother appearance, he has spoken out about a recent infraction of the Big Brother code of conduct online.

During a conversation with his allies including Cory, Jared used a slur towards America when he was trying to explain that she could not win the Power of Veto. Though the slur was not stated on the Big Brother live feeds, it was referred to when Jared apologized for saying it directly to Cory, admitting he “slipped up” when saying it.

When asked about his opinions about the problem on social media, Luke didn’t hold back, noting that “enforcement of the code of conduct appears rather selective” to him. While the slurs should not be compared, Luke’s point is that the rule of conduct should be followed no matter what is said in the house.

When Jared used the slur word, numerous Big Brother fans urged CBS to remove him from the show via social media. Even though a new episode aired on Sunday, September 3, production has yet to address the issue, and it is unknown whether Jared will suffer any consequences for his words.

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Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Jag agrees to be a pawn


Well, let’s just say that we know where things are now after the Veto Ceremony and also how so much of it at this point is bad news for Jag. He was going to be the replacement nominee anyway but last night, in a meeting with the Seven Deadly Sins (which is barely an alliance), he volunteered to be a pawn after Blue suggested it.

So why did Blue come up with such a suggestion?

Well, she and everyone else seem to know at this point that Jag is a sinking ship though he’s a nice guy who can’t keep info to himself and routinely just finds himself in hot water with the other players.

He thinks that he will be okay versus Red but we don’t think so because there will be a lot of flip-flopping in the game and we expect that to happen.

However, if there is one thing that could save Jag, it would be Red and Cameron making up after their falling out, which came to be when Cameron started throwing him under the bus and spreading info about him around the house.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Distrust starts to grow around Felicia, thanks Cirie’s brilliant game plan


Overnight on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, we saw something that was actually a little bit of a rarity in the game so far: A moment where everyone took a breath. Jag and Red are on the block, and both of them think that they are safe.

Yet, even though there isn’t anything that’s dramatic going on in the game right now, there are some subtle things being done behind the scenes.

So where should we start off here? Well, we should note that Cirie Fields has been working quietly to turn some people against Felicia Cannon, who has been talking way too much as of late. She accidentally mentioned Cameron’s fake alliance in front of Jag and America, and she’s also to Matt and Red both conflicting information on this week’s vote that would cause them to not trust her anymore. So far, it is working!

Last night, Red and Bowie talked about not trusting Felicia, and about Red setting her up well in the event he does go this week.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to Monday, Sept 3rd at 8:40pm BBT to watch Red and Bowie’s chat while in the Kitchen.

Bowie – don’t be paranoid because we’re just doing birthday planning.

Red – oh I’m not.

Bowie – I would be.

Red – I am over worried.. whatever happens happens.

Bowie – do you think Izzy is involved?

Red – I don’t know.

Bowie – and Meme?

Red – I think Felicia is orchestrating it because she’s been telling Cirie.. and she is like I am doing everything I can. And she will but if she can’t, she can’t. If I go, I go but I am going to out her on my way out. BIG TIME! And Cam! I’m going to let my mind be spoke! Like I wish I could already… and I will head out with my head held high because I know I played this game with integrity.

Bowie – well everything changes every 3 minutes. I think you should be fine but I will investigate.

(Meanwhile, The only way in which Jag has a chance to stay this week, at least in our opinion, is if Red and Cameron mend fences and the ‘Chillers Alliance‘ come back together.  That makes Red more of a threat.)

So, as we move forward into next week, Felicia is looming while Cameron is a main target and there’s a real objective to try and backdoor him. America and Blue could be easy pawns in the event that this plan is worked out.

The big takeaway from last night in general

Cirie remains brilliant at this game, and what she’s so good at is constantly turning people against each other so that they don’t want to work with anyone other than her people. It’s why she wants Jag gone and why she’s stirred the pot about America. This is her way to ensure there is never a resistance movement or anyone going rogue. Because she’s such a smooth talker, everyone trusts her even when they shouldn’t.

So what are you most excited to see next on Big Brother 15? Share your opinion in the comment section below.

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Big Brother 25’s Jared admits he ‘Slipped Up’ by calling America the R-Word


Jared Fields has sparked controversy inside the Big Brother season 25 house after he referred to fellow contestant America Lopez as the R-word.

Jared is the current Head of Household and was talking strategies with his allies on Friday, September 1. Jared was trying to express how detrimental it would be for his gameplay if his target America won this week’s Power of Veto and kept herself safe from eviction. In his speech, he called America the R-word.

Jared later on the live feeds of Saturday, September 2, per social media recordings told Cory Wurtenberger — who is in a showmance with America — that he regretted the name-calling. “I don’t think she’s the R-word. I slipped up.” Jared also added, “Obviously, I was angry about it [and] I’m willing to admit that.”

In the clip, Jared further alluded that he would be ready to turn on a competitor “the moment that somebody does not benefit my game.” The feeds, which air on Pluto TV, cut off shortly after Jared’s attempted explanation.

After Jared dropped the offensive slur, many Big Brother fans implored CBS via social media to remove him from the game. Production has yet to address the controversy.

While it is not yet known if Jared will be expelled from Big Brother 25 house, as production previously set a precedent earlier this season when Luke Valentine was caught saying the N-word in conversation with Cory, Jared and Hisam Goueli on August 9. While Jared told Luke, that he didn’t care about the aforementioned slur, CBS removed him from the game.

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Big Brother 25 spoilers: Did Cory push the showmance under the bus?


This second showmance appeared on Big Brother 25, and the couple shared numerous secrets. Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez have been cuddling in some way almost every night for the past week.

They even got in trouble with Cirie Fields for staying up too late. Yes, Cirie got mad at them for staying up later than other houseguests, which is ridiculous.

At some point during one of their cuddling sessions, America revealed who she would nominate once she was HOH. However, Cory wasn’t keen on her suggestions, and he went ahead to tell other members of the house.

Cory informed Jared of America’s plan. On the Big Brother live feeds, it was a shocking moment. In terms of the information Cory shared, America may be rapidly voted out of the game.

America wants to target Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and Izzy Gleicher if she becomes Head of Household yet Jared clearly wants to protect that trio, putting America as his target thanks to Cory.

The Week 5 HOH Competition was won by Jared Feilds after Jag Bains was defeated in the competition. Matt Klotz used the special power to save Jag, making the house reset.

Cory may have wanted to curry favor with Jared now that he is in control but on the other hand, he has damaged his game by revealing secrets and showing other houseguests even his showmance can’t trust him.

Do you think him pulling this move has pushed his relationship under the bus or even as the next target?

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Big Brother 25 spoilers: Jag and Blue’s bold plan after spending a week on the block


On the live feeds, intriguing Big Brother 25 spoilers were revealed. After a week on the block, Jag Bains and Blue Kim developed a bold plan and are ready to make a move.

Blue realized that Cirie Fields is in charge of the Big Brother house and has devised a strategy to take her down. Cirie tried to get rid of Blue but couldn’t gather enough votes against her son’s girlfriend which made Jared upset that his mother was going after Blue, which caused a little tension in the game.

However, when Matt saved Jag from getting evicted, it opened the door for people outside of The Professors to plan a big move.

So what is Jag and Blue’s big planning to do in the house?

Blue intended to form a group with Jag and America Lopez where each person could also have a “plus one” to make the ally a six-person alliance.

In this case, Blue having Jared, Jag having Matt, and America having Cory Wurtenberger as their plus ones however the most crucial component of the new alliance was that they did not inform their “plus ones” about the plan.

At the moment they have an advantage because Jared is the Head of Household for Week 5, which means Jag and Blue are safe to make plans but their moment to make a big move against the other side of the house would come in Week 6, only that it will require Jag, Blue, or America winning Head of Household.

What do you think of this plan? Can this plan work out and get some of the professors out of the house?

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‘Big Brother 25’ Live Feeds: ‘Chillers Alliance’ Of Red & Cameron Split Up – See Why!


Big Brother 25’s Bromance of Red and Cameron have put ice on their ‘Chillers Alliance‘ as of Saturday night on the Live Feeds. Having joined forces as two of the older, “outsider” Houseguests the Chillers alliance didn’t seem to have much to offer but support to each other and even that appears to have dried up.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to Saturday, Sept 2nd at 7:42PM BBT on Cams 1/2 to watch.

Joining the midstream conversation, Cameron explains his goal has been to find a way for them to both survive this week. “Did you have a different thought?,” asks Cameron to Red. Red says no, that’s always been the plan and this breakup doesn’t have anything to do with that.

Cameron pushes for what’s the real cause of the issue here, but Red didn’t share much to go on here. “Just a bad week,” explains Red who says he’s having some personal challenges and issues with Cameron. “You want to fill me in on something, cause I don’t know what’s going on,” says Cameron. “You should, you should,” counters Red. This carries on for several minutes with Cameron denying what Red obviously knows (Cameron turning on him) and instead of Cameron manning up, he continues to deny until he walks away.

So what is going on? Well Cameron is here to play for Cameron, as all HGs should be, but he hasn’t done a great job of it. Once both Cameron and Red hit the Block it did not take long for Cameron to race around suggesting that Red should be the target. Well we all know that the real plan was to target Cameron and we imagine he must have suspected that too so now we get his idea of self-preservation, but why didn’t he wait until after the Veto played out?

Once the Veto was over Cameron had won and obviously was going to save himself which left open a path for both he and Red to stay this week. And from the latest talks of keeping Red in favor of evicting Jag yet again, this was a very doable situation for the Chillers alliance to survive the week. Instead Cameron ran his mouth and word got back to Red so that little duo is over.

It’s so much over that earlier this weekend Red was participating in ideas on how they could get rid of Cameron next week. Not the best move by Cameron to alienate your only ally in the house. But another week is another opportunity in the Big Brother house, we just don’t see HGs lining up to partner with the sinking ship that’s Cameron at this point.

What do you think of Chillers alliance split up? Can Red recover and form a new trust with the other HGs or has his association with Cameron ended his path in the Big Brother 25 house?

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!

‘Big Brother 25’ live feeds: Cory lashes out at Jared, calls him a “F—–g moron!”


Who knew that America Lopez being picked to play in this week’s veto competition would cause such a ruckus in the house but it has.

Hearing that Week 5’s HoH Jared might put America on the block as a replacement nomination has Cory Wurtenberger on the warpath.

Jared has nominated Cameron and Red for eviction with Cameron being the player he wants gone.

Cory confronted Jared in the HoH room about targeting America just after the meeting determining the veto players ended.

“That is not how a relationship f—–g works!” yelled Cory.

“I get that, Cory. But, you have to understand, bro,” said Jared sitting on the couch as Cory stood leaning into his face.

Jared feels certain that America won’t try to actually win and will throw the competition even though she knows his plan is to get Cameron out this week.

“She has admitted to me that she is throwing every competition. I really don’t have time for that s—t this time! That’s the problem. I have got to trust someone to be who they show me to be. I have always left her alone because it was never something that bothered me. I don’t want her to f—k up my plan. If she is going to be part of this and if she is going to f—k this s—t up then she is going to mess her own game up. I promise you, I will put her up! She can throw any other competition she wants. This one, I need her to f—–g actually play!” said an angry Jared.

“She has been playing the middle between two sides and now THIS side is targeting her!” said Cory trying to make Jared understand.

“That is why people don’t trust her. She doesn’t have a side,” answered Jared.

“Do you understand what has changed? Do you see the landscape?” said Cory referring to the mood of the house and its politics.

“If you don’t try you are not trying to help me. You know what the plan is. You know why we need to get this person out. If you don’t put your best foot forward to make sure that it happens then what is my use for you? You have to understand that, Cory. You cannot not get that,” replied Jared.

“I get it and you are wrong! That is why I am f—–g pissed off! You are freaking out at me for something that isn’t going to happen and I know it is not going to happen…I know you don’t trust her and I know you trust me. I get that part,” snapped Cory. “I have been dragging America’s name through the mud for the last four days I don’t need you doing it to me. My final three is not you and America.”

“Would you rather me not talk to you about it?” asked Jared.

“I would rather you talk to me about it than she run to Izzy telling her you are putting her on the block!” said Cory.

“You are my number one in this game. You have to be on the same wave length, dude,” said a frustrated Cory. “I am not asking you to trust her. I am asking you to see what is happening. This is not a situation where America is throwing a competition.”

“You think she is going to try to win it?” asked Jared.

“I am certain of it. That isn’t me being f—–g naive. I know America. I know she is not loyal. I know she is not long for this game. I f—–g got that but why the f—k is my closest ally telling me that one person who trusts me, she’s f—–g gone on my HoH!” said Cory raising his voice once again.

“I am trying to get us two to the end of this f—–g game! We cannot lose Blue and America, not yet! In a couple of weeks, sure,” he continued.

“There is something going on with America, bro,” said Jared.

“Yeah, no s—t,” said Cory.

“Matt has been going around this house telling everyone he is throwing every competition and if Matt throws this competition are you going to put Matt up?” Cory asked.

“For sure,” said Jared.

“That would be f—–g stupid,” said Cory shaking his head.

“If you aren’t willing to get someone out in this game who is threatening me then I don’t need you!” said Jared now raising his voice.

“But there are people who are not willing to help you out with that s—t but are willing to put you up,” said Cory.

“Who?” asked Jared.

“Bowie,” said Cory.

“Who?” asked Jared.

“Red,” said Cory.

“I am not worried about Bowie and Red,” said Jared flatly.

“Are you worried about Jag?” asked Cory.

“Hell, no. The only person I am worried about in this house is Cameron and if they aren’t willing to get Cameron out what does it do for me?” said Jared.

“How does Cirie feel about getting Matt out? This is our group. We have to maintain our group,” asked Cory. “I cannot have you be one of the people who torches my s—t!”

“I am not and I don’t want you to feel that way,” said Jared trying to talk Cory down.

Cory agreed to speak to America and convince her not to throw the competition.

As he exited the HoH room Cory said under his breath: “F—–g moron!”.

ALSO READ: *Spoilers* Players Picked for Week 5 Veto Comp..

ALSO READ: *Spoilers* Week 5 Veto Competition Results..

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