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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Cirie apologizes to Felicia (but of course) — the ‘anti-Cirie tour’ is still on!

Cirie and Felicia on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Is there some forgiveness in the air today inside the ‘Big Brother 25’ house? Of course, if you are Cirie, we have to imagine you are hoping for that!

Let’s just start off here by indicating that for a good part of yesterday, we saw Felicia roaming around the Big Brother house on a big, anti-Cirie tour, feeling hurt and betrayed over what happened in week 6 of BB25. This led to her even saying that she wanted to target Cirie moving forward. We do think it’s smart not to trust her fully, but it’s also worth noting that Cirie isn’t going after to her in the way that she was before the whole JaredCory fight last week.

ALSO READ: The house turns on the ‘Fields Duo’

Well, on Monday evening Cirie did offer up some sort of apology to Felicia for not telling her about the vote last week and leaving her out to dry — it’s still not exactly a full apology for what actually happened, and we’re not sure that Felicia even bought — it’s probably too little too late at this point as the ‘anti-Cirie tour’ is still rolling. The thing that Cirie does have on her side right now is time, given that there are a few days until Cameron’s inevitable eviction and this could be a slower week. What she needs to do moving forward is just make it clear that she can be better for her game than the likes of Cory and America.

Does everyone know that a Double Eviction is coming?

Not exactly, but at the same time we do feel like people are aware it is possible and they are thinking ahead with that in mind. Of course, what they are not realizing at the moment is that there is some sort of scary-verse twist to it. What that is remains to be seen, but it may shake things up a little before jury.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: The house turns on the ‘Fields Duo’


It’s the House in this corner and in the other corner, the ‘Fields Duo.’ Of course, Power is shifting inside the Big Brother 25 house after Thursday’s dustup between Jared and Cory. Could this spell the end of Cirie’s hold on the game?

Honestly, Jared and Cirie have been trying to fight their way back into a good position in the BB25 game. However, the damage may be irreparable as the houseguests have completely broken the Cirie charm spell.  Nevertheless, that hasn’t stopped Cirie and Jared from trying to save their games. Cirie even made a bold suggestion before the Power of Veto Competition for Jared to nominate her if Cameron won the Veto.

This would allow Jared to try to reshuffle the board by breaking the association that people have with them in the game. She was even fine with leaving if it helped his game. Luckily for them, Cameron didn’t win the Power of Veto Competition. This meant that the plan to nominate and evict Cameron this week seems set. Because no one plans to evict America this week, and Cory is off the block, the houseguests have begun to make plans for when Cameron leaves on Thursday.

The talk has transitioned to the upcoming week and eviction.

Majority of the houseguests want to take a shot at the Cirie and Jared duo. Jared is the player the houseguests would prefer to leave next, but they’re all now fine with voting out Cirie if they can’t take out Jared. On Monday morning, prior to the Veto Ceremony, both Matt and Jag and Mecole and Felicia had separate conversations about the same thing: getting Cirie and Jared out of the house next.

For a little while, Felicia was still aligned with Cirie and Jared, but she has now realized that they wanted to evict her on Thursday. She is clearly upset by the betrayal and wants Cirie and Jared gone. She’s even willing to win the Head of Household and make the move. Her main priority is keeping Mecole safe but has also talked about forming a new alliance with Mecole, America, and Cory. Felicia has also begun working on pulling Bowie to their side to form a new power five.

Matt and Jag were once thinking of throwing the Head of Household this week, but now they also want to be the ones to nominate Cirie and Jared. In Jag’s mind, the best scenario would involve taking out Jared this week and then Cirie the following week. They also both now know that Mecole and Felicia are also not with Jared and Cirie.

Basically, going into Thursday’s Double Eviction, Jared and Cirie are in a lot of trouble. Everyone remaining, except maybe Bowie, will nominate them together. If one of them wins Veto, the other will be leaving. Jared is the main target and Cirie is the secondary one. If Jared leaves on Thursday, then Cirie likely becomes the next house target.

Well, It seems almost inevitable that Cirie or Jared will be the next to leave after Cameron this week. If Cirie doesn’t win the Head of Household on Thursday, do you think she and Jared can find a way to escape eviction during the double eviction? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Felicia wakes up, causes chaos!

Felicia on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Well, if you have a lot of questions about what happened during today’s Veto meeting on Big Brother 25, then we should tell you that week 7 Power of Veto meeting it’s over! Jag used the Veto on Cory and with that, Jared named Cameron as the renom. So now we’ve got America and Cameron on the Block and the future seems clear for what’s going to happen: Cam will be voted out and there probably won’t be a ton — if any at all — of flip talk this week. There are nine votes, with five needed to evict on Thursday.

But wait, the bigger top story entering today on ‘Big Brother 25’ has been seeing Felicia Cannon start to make some big moves inside the Big Brother house after realizing fully that she was being played by Cirie Field and her son Jared Fields for most of this past week.

For a little while, Felicia was still aligned with Cirie and Jared, but she has now realized that they wanted to evict her on the night of Thursday, September 14. She is clearly upset by the betrayal and now she’s on full board with wanting them out of the BB25 house and wants to spread the word.

Felicia is even willing to win the Head of Household and make this big move. Her main priority is keeping Mecole safe but has also talked about forming a new alliance with Mecole, America, and Cory. She has also begun working on pulling Bowie to their side to form a new power five. And given that Felicia is one of the least subtle people out there, everyone is going to find out about this and it’s going to get messy.

ALSO READ: Felicia makes a new alliance

Of course, Mecole is Felicia’s #1 ally and she’s also aware of it — and may have to go along for the ride. Though, we do think that Mecole is a little more measured in that Cirie and Jared may need to be split up, but she doesn’t have to be the one to do it. She’s not being targeted right now! Technically, Felicia is not either — she is just someone who feels hurt by them and is driven right now by vengeance.

Reminder! Don’t forget, we’ve got a Double Eviction on the way this week.

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Big Brother 25: Will Cirie survive double eviction?

Will Cirie survive the double eviction? – CBS

Cirie Fields, a Survivor star and the winner of The Traitors season 1, has been playing well on Big Brother 25, but the approaching double eviction may make it difficult for her to survive.

Izzy, who was evicted on Thursday last week, was the only one certain that Cirie and Jared were mother and son. She recognized them right away because she is a Survivor fan. However, because she was extremely loyal to them, she took their secret out the door.

During the last Big Brother 25 live eviction episode, Julie Chen Moonves said that the episode airing on September 21 will consist of two evictions. After the first eviction, the contestants play a week’s worth of Big Brother in a single night leading to a double eviction.

This means the episode will consist of the Head of Household (HOH) and Power of Veto competitions, and the veto ceremony leading to another eviction.

However, we think Cirie can be in danger during the double eviction due to the Big Brother house’s current dynamics and quick pace.

Cirie and her son Jared have managed the Big Brother 25 house for most of the game. Although Cirie has yet to win a competition, her incredible social game has allowed her to dominate nearly every vote this season.

Jared has so far won three competitions which include two HOHs (weeks 5 and 7) and one Power of Veto (week 6), Jared’s veto victory prevented Cameron from backdooring Cirie, a strategy he shared with Jared without realizing Cirie is his mother.

However, because Jared is the current HOH after winning the Wall competition, he will be ineligible to participate in the double eviction which means Cirie can only rely on herself to keep her safe now that Jared is no longer on HOH. Nobody knows when the houseguests will turn on her. Felicia Cannon, a close pal of hers, has already told Jared that she’d prefer to go to the final two with him than Cirie.

After Jag and Matt realize that their alliance with Cirie is fake from Cory, they shift their votes this week to vote out Izzy rather than Felicia to weaken Cirie.

Cirie has also been on the radars of America and Cameron for several weeks. Although Cameron is Jared’s backdoor target and will most likely leave before the double eviction, there are enough individuals who dislike Cirie that they may easily flip on her.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Why Cirie told Jared to send her home? (of course) — she has point!

Carie and Jared on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Here’s a Big Brother shake up for you. What if your season’s surprise stunt casting suddenly decided she didn’t want to be there anymore and asked her son to send her home. Yep, now you’re all caught up with what is going on inside the Big Brother 25 house!

Jared has taken over as the new Head of Household and it’s working to regain his footing after Thursday’s blowup with Cory that exposed a LOT of alliances and lies that had spread through the season so far. It’s part of the game and what we expect, but it can be damning to your game when it’s spelled out in front of everyone.

Flashback to Saturday morning feeds (September 17) at 10:14 AM BBT 9/16 on Cams 1/2 to watch as Cirie brought Jared an idea to possibly give him a clear reset in the game. Cirie gets up from the lounge and goes to the HOH room for a private talk with Jared.

Cirie to Jared: Listen, hear me out. I don’t think… I know you’re going to say it’s a bad idea. Say Cameron wins and takes America down.

Jared: Put Jag up?

Cirie: Nooo. Put me up. Put me up. Let me go. Because everybody is associating you with me. It’d be the best thing for your game. It would repair you and Cameron. It would shake Cory and them up. It would just put you in a great, better spot and I’m okay with it. I promise you, I promise you, I’ll be okay with it.

Cirie goes on to say her only hang up is that it would leave Jared without anyone. She notes he’d have Blue, but obviously not the same. Cirie continues that it would clear so much of his past issues and gives him a way to start over. “This will be the best thing for your game, I think. Think about it,” says Cirie to Jared.

Cirie adds that Blue was just telling her that she’s starting to hear more of “Jared and Cirie, Jared and Cirie” as she highlights the association between them is increasing (but is it?). “It would almost wipe your slate clean,” suggests Cirie.

But wait, there’s a caveat and I think it would lead with this. Cirie said all this in the event Cameron won this week’s Veto comp and then takes one of Jared’s noms down on Monday … but did that actually happen? No! Jag Bains won the Veto. Remember that both Cameron and Jag were picked to play so there could definitely be a renom coming. She said then Jared doesn’t have to “dirty your hands with Bowie Jane.”

Now come on, no way Jared is doing this, right? Send out Cirie instead of getting his hands dirty with FBJ? Come on! Of course you send Bowie Jane out the door instead of Cirie. But this is Jared, after all.

Well guess what. Not much later, forward again to 11:20 AM BBT Cams 3/4 to watch Jared and Blue as they discussed his options this week. Jared posits the possibility of using Cirie as a renom and then if she doesn’t stay unanimously then he’s done with the Six.

Geez, so Jared considered this, huh? Mercy. Anyway, we’re still days away from anything being settled, but for now it does look like Cameron would be the one out the door. Nothing is settled until Julie announces it, especially with this bunch of HGs, but the odds look likely for the end of the house’s top target. Of course, it’d have to be pretty incredible to break through the goal of getting Cameron out. Then on Thursday it’ll be time for the long awaited Double Eviction and with Jared already on a few radars, well, you never know!

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Big Brother 25 spoilers: Felicia makes a new alliance


Izzy was eliminated before the BB25 jury phase started after the house switched its vote last Thursday in favor of Felicia by an 8-1 count. During her week on the block, Felicia might have picked up some crucial knowledge, and she used it.

Cameron put Felicia next to Izzy on the block – even though he wanted Cirie Fields to become a replacement nominee. While Felicia was on the block, Cameron told her she was about to get sent home due to her alliance bailing on her.

Felicia was only able to win thanks to a vote flip that put Jared’s opponents America and Cory on his wrong side.

After Izzy’s eviction, spoilers regarding Jared Fields winning the HOH Competition were revealed on the live feeds. The following day, Jared met with each person individually talking about his plans but Felicia and Mecole became conscious that they were on the outskirts of events when the dust settled inside the house.

Mecole and Felicia each figured out that Jared and Cirie had a two-person alliance that couldn’t be broken so they then decided to make a two-person alliance of their own.

But can Felicia keep this alliance to herself? Only time will tell. However, History predicts that she will eventually tell someone else about it.

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‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: America again warns this week’s possible main target!

America and Cameron on Big Brother – CBS

The Big Brother 25 HGs have faced the Nominations Ceremony and now prepare for the upcoming Veto Competition. The writing is on the wall and the targets are set with several options to satisfy the new Head of Household. Now we’re just waiting for the PoV to set the rest of the week’s course but overnight America again took on the role of warning this week’s possible main target.

America has continued to have an odd connection with Cameron as one of the few HGs who seems to have honest interactions with him and keep him looped into what’s really going on inside the Big Brother game. Just a few days ago America delivered the news that yes Cameron, you were the real target against Red until you won the Veto. Cameron repeatedly denied her assertion but she was completely right! Once that settled in Cameron shook up the game which contributed to Izzy getting evicted over Felicia, just as he wanted.

Now we’re back to seeing America let Cameron know that he is once again the target, but it all comes down to today’s Veto competition. Flashback to 10:58 PM BBT 9/15 to find America talking with Cameron in the bathroom.

America confirms that yes, Cameron is the Backdoor target, but she and Cory are both viable alternatives from what she can tell. Cameron is obviously nervous about this upcoming competition that could possibly leave him on the sidelines to watch his fate playout.

Cameron asserts to America that this is the time to take risks and do what the others may be telling her not to do: pick him for HG Choice. Now that’s still just a slim chance but he’s got to prepare for this opportunity.

Cameron explains the obvious: if he plays and wins Veto then he can save America and all three (America, Cameron, and Cory) could in theory be safe this week. But if America or Cory wins it then they can only save themselves and Cameron *will* go up as the renom.

America says she’s leaning to picking Jag as her HG Choice if she draws that chip. Cameron warns America if Jag wins Veto then he may save neither of them or listen to what Jared wants for it to be used and Cameron to be renom’d.

But outside Cameron’s perspective, if Jag does play, wins Veto, and saves America then her and Cory would likely be safe as Cameron goes up and out. Reverse that though with Cameron playing, winning, and saving America then Jag goes up and out unless Cory takes a higher priority to be evicted over Jag.

So who does America prioritize: Jag or Cameron? That’s her real choice here and even then it’s a narrow margin for the stars to align for either of those events to work out.

After their conversation America goes back to Cory and lets him know she warned Cameron and said she’d likely pick Jag over Cameron for HG Choice. Cory is frustrated because he fears now if Cameron does get to play and wins Veto then he may save neither Cory nor America with it out of spite. A reasonable concern, especially if Cameron estimates Cory more likely to go and then Cameron could potentially have America as an ally to himself over Cory.

Just curious why America feels the need to keep cluing Cameron into the Big Brother 25 events around him, effectively trying to help his game along. Hope she sees it as a way to hedge her bets in the weeks ahead. Or is she just being too honest with the wrong HGs?

Let’s see what happens with the Veto players draw coming up and that’ll settle a lot of this debate for the HGs.

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Big Brother Spoilers: Did Jared accidentally reveal his secret to Mecole?


The Big Brother live feeds have been busy since Friday. Jared is making a lot of effort and move now that he is the Head of Household once more after winning the Wall Challenge. He talked about who he would nominate for eviction for most of the day.

A little after 1 p.m. PT, Jared started talking to Mecole Hayes on the Big Brother live feeds and during that conversation, it’s possible that Jared slipped up about his mom.

Jared pushed hard to get Mecole to believe he wanted to work with her. He also assured her safety for the week and said that she didn’t need to campaign. Part of the chat got interesting when Jared possibly slipped.

Some Big Brother fans took to social media to say they heard Jared say “my mom” when speaking to Mecole on Thursday. At about 1:33:20 PT (house time), Jared is shown talking to Mecole. He then says something that sounds like “my mom” as he talks about someone he met earlier.

Jared and Felicia were together in the HOH Room earlier, so it’s possible he was addressing her. It’s also possible that Jared wasn’t speaking clearly. Could Jared have said “When I was with Felicia” during his conversation and muddled some words?

We all know that Izzy was the only other houseguest who openly knew the secret that Cirie and Jared are son and mom but Izzy kept the secret till when she left the house on Thursday night.

Blue has also been told by Jared that his mother is Felicia, but Blue doesn’t always take Jared at his word because she believes that he frequently lies.

In a chat with his mom, Jared said he felt that Izzy told Blue about them (Jared and Cirie). It appears Jared was trying to push Izzy under the bus, possibly heading off any information coming from Blue.

Mecole already clocked that Jared might have a relationship with someone else in the house (other than Blue). Will she put the pieces together now?

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Details on the new ‘Big Brother 25’ jury twist — it’s “going old school”


Heading into the sixth live eviction of “Big Brother 25” on Thursday, September 14 which sealed Izzy Gleicher’s fate in the game, we were all aware that Julie Chen Moonves was going to announce some sort of jury twist. And what was the “big announcement” regarding the jury? Read on for more details…

While the remaining houseguests (minus outgoing HOH Cameron) got set on the iconic wall comp in the backyard, Big Brother show host informed them that at this point in the game, everyone should be aware that they’re “going old school” and returning to a seven person jury instead of the whopping nine jurors as it has been the custom in recent seasons.

Well, Julie made it clear there right? Only seven people will make it to the jury and because of that, two more people are not going to make it there.

Is this going to be as dramatic as we anticipated? Not exactly, but we truly don’t believe that a jury of nine is necessary in the end. We also tend to believe that being selected for the jury should be an honor because seven votes are enough to choose a winner.

We do believe that many players simply play the game to advance to that point, which is not the primary objective in this case. You’re playing to win, right? We are hoping that everyone who is left gives it their all.

As of this writing, just 11 HGs have remained in the race to win the $750,000 grand prize: America LopezBlue KimBowie JaneCameron HardinCory WurtenbergerFelicia CannonJag BainsJared FieldsMatt KlotzMecole Hayes and Cirie Fields. Who do YOU think will ultimately prevail?

ALSO READ: *Spoilers* Week 7 nominations made by HOH

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Izzy Gleicher’s ‘Big Brother 25’ exit interview: ‘My biggest mistake was ever thinking me and Cory were close’


Izzy Gleicher became the sixth houseguest to exit the “Big Brother 25” house when she was evicted by a vote of 8-1 on Thursday night. The 32-year old flutist from New York City was ousted on Day 44 over Felicia Cannon. Head of Household Cameron Hardin pledged to flip the house upside down and he accomplished that goal by eliminating his arch nemesis. Cameron was helped along by one of Izzy’s closest allies, Cory Wurtenberger, who said he couldn’t see a path forward in his current alliance since they were gunning for his showmance partner America Lopez.

“My biggest mistake was ever thinking that me and Cory were close,” Izzy told host Julie Chen Moonves in her exit interview. “I was skeptical of Cory the whole time and my closest allies, Cirie and Jared, were also skeptical. He was saying all the right things and he was pretty believable and I thought we built a strong friendship. Maybe that clouded some of my judgement. He was the person that I talked to the most about the game away from Cirie and Jared and it felt like it was important for me to have that given Cirie and Jared’s relationship.”

Izzy was the only player in the game who knew Jared was Cirie’s son, but she doesn’t regret outing them. “It feels silly sitting here now, but having people in the house that you trust, that you know you’re a solid group is invaluable in this game,” she explains. “It was too soon to really think about whether or not I was going to blow it up.”

Jared and Cirie could be in big trouble moving forward according to Izzy. “I think that if this was reversed and Cirie was sitting on the block, we would have been more nervous all week and she would have absolutely gone home just like me,” she reveals. “I absolutely would have been next. I really hope [they survive]. I know Cirie is going to struggle in the house, just emotionally and so I hope they can pull it out. I hope Jared and Cirie go really far. I want to see my family take it to the end.”

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