‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Why Cirie told Jared to send her home? (of course) — she has point!

Carie and Jared on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Here’s a Big Brother shake up for you. What if your season’s surprise stunt casting suddenly decided she didn’t want to be there anymore and asked her son to send her home. Yep, now you’re all caught up with what is going on inside the Big Brother 25 house!

Jared has taken over as the new Head of Household and it’s working to regain his footing after Thursday’s blowup with Cory that exposed a LOT of alliances and lies that had spread through the season so far. It’s part of the game and what we expect, but it can be damning to your game when it’s spelled out in front of everyone.

Flashback to Saturday morning feeds (September 17) at 10:14 AM BBT 9/16 on Cams 1/2 to watch as Cirie brought Jared an idea to possibly give him a clear reset in the game. Cirie gets up from the lounge and goes to the HOH room for a private talk with Jared.

Cirie to Jared: Listen, hear me out. I don’t think… I know you’re going to say it’s a bad idea. Say Cameron wins and takes America down.

Jared: Put Jag up?

Cirie: Nooo. Put me up. Put me up. Let me go. Because everybody is associating you with me. It’d be the best thing for your game. It would repair you and Cameron. It would shake Cory and them up. It would just put you in a great, better spot and I’m okay with it. I promise you, I promise you, I’ll be okay with it.

Cirie goes on to say her only hang up is that it would leave Jared without anyone. She notes he’d have Blue, but obviously not the same. Cirie continues that it would clear so much of his past issues and gives him a way to start over. “This will be the best thing for your game, I think. Think about it,” says Cirie to Jared.

Cirie adds that Blue was just telling her that she’s starting to hear more of “Jared and Cirie, Jared and Cirie” as she highlights the association between them is increasing (but is it?). “It would almost wipe your slate clean,” suggests Cirie.

But wait, there’s a caveat and I think it would lead with this. Cirie said all this in the event Cameron won this week’s Veto comp and then takes one of Jared’s noms down on Monday … but did that actually happen? No! Jag Bains won the Veto. Remember that both Cameron and Jag were picked to play so there could definitely be a renom coming. She said then Jared doesn’t have to “dirty your hands with Bowie Jane.”

Now come on, no way Jared is doing this, right? Send out Cirie instead of getting his hands dirty with FBJ? Come on! Of course you send Bowie Jane out the door instead of Cirie. But this is Jared, after all.

Well guess what. Not much later, forward again to 11:20 AM BBT Cams 3/4 to watch Jared and Blue as they discussed his options this week. Jared posits the possibility of using Cirie as a renom and then if she doesn’t stay unanimously then he’s done with the Six.

Geez, so Jared considered this, huh? Mercy. Anyway, we’re still days away from anything being settled, but for now it does look like Cameron would be the one out the door. Nothing is settled until Julie announces it, especially with this bunch of HGs, but the odds look likely for the end of the house’s top target. Of course, it’d have to be pretty incredible to break through the goal of getting Cameron out. Then on Thursday it’ll be time for the long awaited Double Eviction and with Jared already on a few radars, well, you never know!

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