‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Jared reveals to Matt his plan & the targets if he wins week 7 HOH


We’re still in week 6 on Big Brother 25, but Jared Fields has already revealed his plan for next week if he happens to win HOH again. He can really shake up the house.

So what are Jared’s plans? Jared had a (extensive) conversation with Matt Klotz about what he wants to do in Week 7.

He plans to go after Cameron. It’s not surprising that Jared wants to do that, but it’s noteworthy that Cameron hasn’t figured out their two-person alliance is fake.

Jared also told Matt what he would do if Cameron won another Power of Veto — Jag Bains, Cory Wurtenberger, America Lopez, or Bowie Jane would become his new target.

Telling Matt this is either bold or ignorant. That’s too many people for Jared to throw under the bus this early, but he trusts that Matt will remain loyal. It helps that Matt is also very close with Jared’s mom (Cirie Fields).

Below is a video of the chat between Matt and Jared that recently took place…

Well, Maybe, just maybe they should’ve evicted him when they had the chance (multiple times) because as we speak the wheels have started turning and now Cameron understands his position in the game and his immediate danger after America made an attempt to wake him up about his place in the game. She told him he was the true target last week. Somewhere Hisam is laughing.

ALSO READ: A big secret is revealed to Cameron

REMINDER: Survivor 45 debuts this fall, pushing Big Brother off Wednesday nights. The NFL schedule is also going to cause some havoc with the scheduling. Read on here for the ‘Big Brother 25’ TV schedule changes (all times ET).

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