‘Big Brother 25’ showmance report: America claims Cory is an ‘awful’ kisser


One of the more unlikely showmances this summer on “Big Brother 25” is the one between 27-year-old beauty America Lopez and 21-year-old nerd Cory Wurtenberger. They’ve been flirting for weeks in the hammock, in their beds and everywhere in between, but only recently they shared their first smoocheroo. Some time after that, America confessed to Mecole Hayes that Cory is an “awful” kisser and that he’s “just very tense.” But have no fear — she plans on being his “teacher” to help him “practice” throughout the rest of the summer.

The hilarious “BB25” scene was shown on the live feeds on Paramount Plus (watch below).

After America revealed the news, Mecole replied, “I see you! I’m here for the vibes, okay?”

“He is, too!” America stated as the girls giggled together.

Mecole noted, “I love this,” before asking, “Like, okay, was it a good kiss?”

“He’s awful,” America whispered matter-of-factly. “So bad.”

“Oh no!” Mecole said. “Did it get better as it got more comfortable?”

America responded that she was “telling him what to do, ’cause it was just very tense.” She then made what can only be described as fish breathing mouth movements to illustrate Cory’s kissing skills. She instructed him to “loosen up a bit, loosen up the lips.” America then told Cory they can “practice” and he responded with an “okay.”

“Practice makes perfect,” Mecole chuckled. “You’re gonna be a great teacher. I feel it, I see it all over you.”

“And he’s a great student!” America proudly fired back.

So far this season apart from Blue Kim and Jared Fields, the only other major showmance was between Matt Klotz and Reilly Smedley, but she was voted out in Week 2. Viewers of the September 10 episode saw a fun moment between Matt and Jag Bains in which they were pretending to text each other with their mic packs to set up a date, and even sent each other fake selfies. Clearly some of these contestants have been cooped up in the house a bit too long.

Some of the most famous “Big Brother” showmances of all time have been mentioned throughout this landmark 25th season, including Rachel Reilly & Brendon VillegasJordan Lloyd & Jeff Schroeder and Bayleigh Dayton & Chris “Swaggy C” Williams.

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