‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Reilly tries to reignite a vote flip in an attempt to save herself


Over the past few days we saw HGs Cirie and Izzy leading the march to flipping against Hisam and sending out Cameron instead of the HOH’s top target, Reilly. But then early Wednesday Cirie declared the plan was dead and they would stick with the original idea to vote out Reilly and keep Cameron, just like that yesterday was less chaotic in comparison on Big Brother 25.

Meanwhile, Reilly is still fighting for her life after getting the “news” from Cirie that people changed their minds and no longer wanted to keep her. The truth, of course, was it just Cirie and Izzy changing their minds and vaguely passing it as the house doing so. Reilly talked to Hisam, who told her she’ll probably have a chance to return to the game between the multiverse and a possible Battle Back. This is him trying to be nice after whatever he said at the Veto meeting (the TV version was obviously edited but didn’t sounds that harsh).

Reilly got some pointers from AmericaJag and Blue on campaigning, but she’s just really not great at it. The things that sunk her game last week are sinking her campaign now. She focuses on herself instead of the other person and offers nothing concrete that would personally incentivize them to keep her. During her chat with Mecole, who already didn’t want to save her, she told her, “I’ll tell you what I’ve told everyone else.” Love a generic pitch. That pitch, of course, is that her target is Hisam. But as Blue later told her, “You need to start thinking about what their goal is. Yes, that’s your goal, but why are we fighting your fight with Hisam? We are not here to play your game. That’s your fight with Hisam. What does it have to do with Meme? What does it have to do with Felicia?”

It is hilarious how half the house has done a better job advocating for Reilly than she has for herself. She also doesn’t know when to bite her tongue, especially in a house with a lotta loose lips. Cirie and Izzy got word that Reilly had said the two of them were running things on the other side, which they did not appreciate. Except they were ecstatic, Izzy especially, when they flipped the vote for a couple of hours. Cirie continued to put on a great performance, acting aggrieved that she put in the work to successfully flip the vote and now everyone’s backing down and Reilly is accusing her of calling the shots.

Sadly for Reilly, this looks to be the end of the road for her game as there’s no hope for a vote flip unless something changes before tonight’s live eviction show but as it stands, She’ll be heading out the door, just as Hisam intended, with Matt‘s vote possibly being the only one to keep her.

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