Big Brother 25 Anniversary Celebrations Start Time, Where to Watch & Who Will Be There




While Big Brother 25 will officially premier in 9 days from now on Wednesday 2 August, CBS will air the 25th anniversary special episode celebrating the show’s milestone.

Nischelle Turner of Entertainment Tonight will host a 25th anniversary special that will run on Wednesday, July 26 at 9 p.m. ET before the start of Season 25 in August.

The 25th Anniversary Celebrations will feature 24 seasons of archival footage from the Et vault and exclusive interviews which will take place on the set of “Big Brother” providing viewers with behind-the-scenes details and house secrets.

At the end of that special episode, viewers will get an exclusive sneak peek of the next “Big Brother” season, airing on August 2nd.

You can watch the special on CBS Television Network on Wednesday, July 26 at 9 p.m. ET. It will also be streaming and available on demand on Paramount+.

Furthermore, Nischelle Turner and Big Brother host Julie Chen Moonves, the special will feature several fan-favorite house guests.

Former winners like Cody Calafiore, Taylor Hale, Derrick Levasseur, Jordan Lloyd, Xavier Prather, and Rachel Reilly plus other houseguests like Azah Awasum, Hannah Chaddha, Derek Frazier, Frankie Grande, Tiffany Mitchell, Janelle Pierzina, Danielle Reyes, Kaysar Ridha, Jeff Schroeder and Brendon Villegas will make an appearance on the show.

How excited are you for a sneak peek into the next season of Big Brother?

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