Cirie Fields claims that ‘Big Brother’ requires more mental strength than ‘Survivor.’

photo credit – CBS

Big Brother and Survivor have similar social aspects to their games with very different mechanics. Survivor seems harder since the cast has to completely fend for themselves on an island. They might get food or tools in a reward challenge, but that’s it.

Survivor also has an immunity challenge where a person or tribe wins safety and the rest who aren’t immune go to the Tribal Council and vote someone out. This repeats until the finale where a jury votes for the season’s winner who gets $1 million.

On the other hand, Big Brother usually starts with every houseguest playing for themselves for Head of Household (HoH), a Veto competition to give houseguests a chance to change plus a live eviction where everyone besides the HoH votes to evict someone on the block. This repeats until the jury votes for someone to win.

During the Live Feeds on September 17 when Cirie, Cory Wurtenberger, America Lopez, Cameron Hardin, and Bowie Jane hung out in the backyard. Cirie answered questions they asked about her time competing on separate shows.

Cory said his brother, Zach Wurtenberger revealed you form opinions about other people based on the tiniest interactions. “And they’re all wrong,” Cirie replied. Cory said the Survivor 42 cast was shocked when Zach was voted out because winner Marianne Oketch talked about him three days straight. “Where does this fall on the intensity?” Cory asked Cirie. “Way! Like 1000 and that was the scale of one to 10” Cirie answered. “It’s not like that. I keep telling people. I don’t think they believe me but it’s nowhere near. I don’t know if it’s because you can’t get away.”

Cirie explained the Survivor producers don’t care what the cast does. So castaways can sleep all day, go to the other side of the island, or not game at all. That risk is for them to take. But houseguests are woken up every day to music. They’re confined to the house, and sometimes they don’t have access to the backyard because a competition is being set up.

The length of the game is also a factor. “We’ve already burned through like two seasons right?” Cameron asked. “With the new format three,” Cirie answered implying that Big Brother requires more mental strength than Survivor.

We shall be covering the latest updates on Survivor 45 be sure to join us on our Facebook page @SurvivorFanz, and Facebook group @SurvivorFanz for the latest updates.

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