‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Cameron & Jared returned to the house and one is out for revenge

Jared and Cameron on Big Brother 25 -CBS

Cameron and Jared are zombies and the “Big Brother 25” house is is purgatory because they’re never making jury at this point. Only two people have been evicted in the past four weeks and the Pressure Cooker and double eviction were basically pointless this season. And now we’re just stalling to get to 100 days with no comps. It’s gonna be a long week, especially with Jared on the warpath.

ALSO READ: ‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 22 Recap: Which Two Houseguests Were Eliminated During Double Eviction?

The zombies did indeed return to the house Thursday night and Jared was not happy, as you might’ve expected. When the feeds returned, he was interrogating Matt along with Cirie. Way to make it even more obvious you’re a duo. Part of Jared’s downfall was his obliviousness and the condescending tone with which he speaks to people. He’s still acting like he’s HOH here when he has no power at all and might not even return to the game. He told Matt he had multiple chances to target him but didn’t yet Matt took his first shot at Jared. Yeah, he’s playing the game. After Jared left, Matt told Cirie that he didn’t use the Veto to protect her because she would’ve gone up.

Jared, of course, is also upset with Blue for not warning him that he was being targeted. Would he have believed her had she said anything? Probably not, considering how flippantly he dismisses his mom’s own (correct) reads. Blue’s defense was that she thought this was going to be a regular week, not a double eviction, so she didn’t have time to warn him. It was a lot of talking in circles, but Jared told her he respects her doing her own thing but he also wishes she had listened to him.

Cameron’s return was much more low-key since he had expected his eviction. Cory and Jag discussed how it might be better for Cameron to return to the game instead, and Jag pointed out that Cameron wanted to work with them. How the tables have turned.

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