‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Houseguests most likely to survive tonight’s ‘Double Eviction’


Tonight ‘Big Brother 25’ will have its first ‘Double Eviction’ of the season and there are some houseguests who are in a better position to survive it than others.

Wait, So what happens on a Double Eviction night? Well, first and foremost, we should note that during a Big Brother double eviction event, the first eviction takes place as usual. Then, a week’s worth of Big Brother is played in one night as Julie Chen Moonves hosts the Head of Household, Nominations and Power of Veto competitions, followed by the Power of Veto ceremony and the second eviction. The second eviction is fast-paced and harrowing, as the HGs are often shocked by it and have little time to prepare.

So which houseguests are most likely to survive the week? Read on to find out with our spoilers below!

  • Matt Klotz and Jag Bains have a good chance of surviving the double eviction because of their competitive prowess and alliances.
  • Mecole Hayes and Bowie Jane are likely to be safe during the double eviction because they haven’t been involved in the drama and haven’t won any competitions.
  • Cirie Fields and Jared Fields are in a vulnerable position for the double eviction as the houseguests have turned against them, and Jared can’t play in the Head of Household competition.

Throughout Big Brother season 25 so far, the houseguests have flip-flopped with their votes. Cirie Fields has been a mastermind at getting people to vote how she wants. However, this past week, the houseguests made a last-minute switch from evicting Felicia Cannon to Izzy Gleicher after America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger convinced the rest of the house that evicting Izzy was their best move to weaken Cirie and Jared Fields. In a double eviction, though, there will be almost no time for anyone to use their power of persuasion to change people’s minds. Here’s who has the best chance of surviving the double eviction.

  • Matt Klotz

Not only is Matt Klotz a fierce competitor, but he’s one of the most-liked houseguests. Although he’s working with many different people, his allegiance seems to be to his Final 2 alliance with Jag Bains, called The Minutemen. Matt won the Power of Invincibility and wasn’t afraid to use it to save Jag after he was unanimously evicted. He’s cool under pressure, which could help him win the HOH or Power of Veto competitions during the double eviction. Even if he doesn’t win, he doesn’t seem to be anyone’s number one target right now.

  • Jag Bains

Although Jag has been nominated three times this season, he’s managed to avoid being eliminated. He even returned to the competition after being evicted unanimously when Matt used the Power of Invincibility to save him. Jag has won two Power of Veto competitions, and works very well under pressure. Jag doesn’t seem to be a big target this week, but he’s always been someone who’s been on other houseguests’ radar. However, because he’s been nominated so many times, Jag is used to competing under intense pressure. If he does somehow get nominated for eviction again, he’ll most likely be able to win his way out of it.

  • Mecole Hayes

Mecole Hayes has been so under the radar on Big Brother 25 that it’s easy to forget that she’s even still in the house playing the game. She began the season as a member of several different alliances, but her true allies have dwindled, and she’s mostly loyal to Felicia. Her main accomplishment was placing third in the Pressure Cooker competition with a time of about 13 and a half hours. Because Mecole hasn’t been involved with any of the drama in the house, and isn’t much of a competition threat, she should make it through the double eviction easily.

  • Bowie Jane

Bowie Jane hasn’t been much of a threat to anyone on Big Brother 25. Although she was very hurt when she was left out of the loop when the house decided to evict Red Utley instead of Jag, she didn’t have the opportunity to take revenge on those who betrayed her because she hasn’t won any competitions. The houseguests most likely won’t use the double eviction to eliminate a player like Bowie, whom they can target in the future instead. Therefore, Bowie should be safe this week, even though she’s not aligned with the power players in the house anymore.

  • Blue Kim

Blue Kim has connections with people on both sides of the house. She has a Final 2 deal with Jag, and is in a showmance with Jared. Although the houseguests have tried to break up her and Jag, they’re both still in the house. She’s also been upset with Jared, so her showmance shouldn’t cause her any problems. Blue should make it through the double eviction without any issues.

  • Felicia Cannon

Felicia was almost evicted instead of Izzy, so she’s definitely been seen as a threat by her fellow houseguests. She’s already survived being nominated twice, and has won an HOH competition, during which she successfully blindsided and backdoored power player Hisam Goueli. Cirie has begun to see Felicia as a liability because she tends to talk too much in the house. However, Felicia could survive the double eviction, either by winning, or by convincing the other houseguests that there are currently bigger fish to fry in the house.

  • America Lopez

America is currently on the chopping block, but the houseguests seem to be sure that they will evict Cameron Hardin this week during the first eviction. If America survives that, she has a good chance of making it through the second eviction as well. With Jared, the current HOH who nominated her, unable to play, she will have the upper hand against him. She and her showmance, Cory, were able to convince the house to switch their vote when they exposed Jared’s lies. Plus, America is a strong competitor who is due for her first HOH win. However, being in a showmance puts her at a disadvantage.

  • Cory Wurtenberger

Although Cory was able to pull off the flipped vote to evict Izzy, he could be in trouble during the double eviction. Jag saved him from the chopping block this week, but the move was more about opening a spot up for Cameron, than any loyalty to Cory. Because he’s in a showmance with America and is seen as a very strategic player, the houseguests could decide to evict him during the double eviction when he has no time to convince them not to. However, if Cory wins HOH or the Power of Veto, he could stay in the house.

  • Cirie Fields

With Cirie’s son Jared unable to play for HOH and the houseguests turning on her, Cirie is in a very bad spot during this week’s double eviction. Although they don’t know that Cirie and Jared are mother and son, the houseguests have begun to realize that targeting them is their best next step, and the double eviction is the perfect scenario to do so. Although Cirie has an excellent social game and convinces people to do her bidding, she hasn’t won any competitions so far this season. If Cirie doesn’t win HOH during the double eviction, it’s almost certain that she and Jared will be on the chopping block.

  • Jared Fields

Although Jared currently has all of the power as HOH, the houseguests are coming for him. They feel betrayed by his lies, and, when he’s ineligible to play for HOH during the double eviction, he’ll have to depend on his mom, Cirie, to keep him safe. Otherwise, it seems that Jared will definitely be nominated. Although there’s a good chance that he’ll win the Power of Veto, since he’s already won two HOH competitions and a veto so far this season, if he doesn’t win, there’s a very high probability that he’ll be going home.

  • Cameron Hardin

Cameron most likely won’t even make it to compete in the second HOH on double eviction night. Jared sealed his fate by making him the replacement nominee when Jag saved Cory with the Power of Veto, and the houseguests have decided that they’re evicting him. Cameron seems to have accepted his fate, so he will most certainly be leaving the Big Brother house tonight before the second HOH is even played.

Tonight’s double eviction will be exciting because these are the last evictions before the Jury of 7 begins. If the HGs realize this before the second eviction occurs, that could influence their decision about whom to send home as well. They could eliminate someone whom they don’t want on the jury. Although things seem to be headed in certain directions for the Big Brother 25 double eviction, everyone should always remember to “expect the unexpected” when it comes to this game.

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