Big Brother 25’s Julie Chen weighs in on Jared and Cirie’s situation

photo credit – CBS

If you have been watching the Live feeds, we all know that Cirie has been controlling most of the game and we would say even most evictions are due to her influence over fellow houseguests.

During the season’s premiere, Jared appeared to be playing the game alone but at the end of the episode, Cirie was revealed as the 17th houseguest and since then, Cirie and Jared have secretly been keeping each other safe plus their secret.

Though some houseguests like Blue whom Jared hinted that he is related to someone in the house and Mecole whom he also accidentally told about his secret, Izzy is the only person who knew that they were related because she recognized Cirie from Survivor.

Now, Big Brother fans have debated whether or not Cirie would be doing better without her son in the house. Several times, Cirie has had to clean up messes that Jared created, possibly putting her own game at risk.

But having someone she can count on is an advantage to the game. Red Utley even called the show “rigged” for Cirie to win the $750,000 prize. On the other side of the coin, Cirie hasn’t won a single challenge on Big Brother 25, and maybe she is only surviving due to Jared winning two HOH Competitions.

During Julie Chen’s segment on Watch What Happens Live episode on Bravo, host Andy Cohen asked Julie a fan question about Jared and Cirie.

“Julie, do you think Cirie’s son Jared’s gameplay is helping or hurting Cirie?” Andy asked.

Julie stated that Jared is helping this week because he wins challenges. By becoming HOH again, Jared likely kept Cirie from being nominated plus “If he could win more challenges & stop talking…great!”

What are your thoughts on this, do you think he has been helping his mom more than she has helped her? Leave a comment below! Also, do not miss out on the Double Eviction episode tonight.

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