‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Felicia on the verge of dropping the ‘anti-Jared & Cirie’ campaign! — See Why?

Mecole and Felicia Talk on Big Brother 25 – CBS

On Monday, Felicia was one of the main voices leading the anti-Jared and Cirie charge. She badly wanted them out of the ‘Big Brother 25’ house with one reason: for betraying her in week 6 by trying to save Izzy. Mecole and Felicia were also looking to form a new alliance. Then abandon the Brown Sugar Babes. However, on Tuesday morning, Felicia wasn’t so sure if she should completely throw Jared and Cirie to the wolves. She had an epiphany. This made her question which side she should really give her time and energy.

Flash back to Tuesday, September 19 Feeds at around 10:30 BBT to watch, Felicia speaking to Mecole about her thoughts on Jared and Cirie and their newly forming alliance. An alliance with basically everyone that isn’t Cirie or Jared, or Bowie or Cameron. The side wanted to form a new Seven Deadly Sins that included Mecole, America, and Cory.

Felicia was slightly hesitant because Jag and Blue spoke to her in the same language. This implied they had discussed what and how to pitch to her. She also wasn’t sure if they could fully trust this new alliance. Felicia worried that once Jared and Cirie left the game, Mecole and her would be at the bottom of it. They would be the next people to go. Felicia hated that Cirie and Jared betrayed her but she felt bad. She also considered warning them that the other side planned to take them out next week.

However, Mecole told her that the warning would be pointless because only Cirie could play in this week’s Head of Household. She also said that Cirie was likely to put up someone that wasn’t them anyway so it didn’t matter if they knew they were being targeted right now. Felicia said she would wait to see who won Head of Household to decide what to do with the information.

Mecole and Felicia also discussed who to vote out if it’s between Jared and Cirie next week on the block. Mecole mentioned that Jared is a shield for Cirie, so if she left, Jared would still have a target on him and Cirie hadn’t won any competitions yet. Felicia then flat out stated that she would rather vote out Cirie over Jared because she saw Cirie as the one undermining things and feeding him information.

Felicia and Mecole ended this conversation without a clear focus on who to align with going forward. However, they seem to realize that they may not be in the best position in their new alliance. They just need to figure out which side they can trust more going forward.

So do you think Felicia should be concerned about her position with the new Seven Deadly Sins? Should Cirie or Jared go in the ‘Double Eviction’ on Thursday? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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