‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Felicia wakes up, causes chaos!

Felicia on Big Brother 25 – CBS

Well, if you have a lot of questions about what happened during today’s Veto meeting on Big Brother 25, then we should tell you that week 7 Power of Veto meeting it’s over! Jag used the Veto on Cory and with that, Jared named Cameron as the renom. So now we’ve got America and Cameron on the Block and the future seems clear for what’s going to happen: Cam will be voted out and there probably won’t be a ton — if any at all — of flip talk this week. There are nine votes, with five needed to evict on Thursday.

But wait, the bigger top story entering today on ‘Big Brother 25’ has been seeing Felicia Cannon start to make some big moves inside the Big Brother house after realizing fully that she was being played by Cirie Field and her son Jared Fields for most of this past week.

For a little while, Felicia was still aligned with Cirie and Jared, but she has now realized that they wanted to evict her on the night of Thursday, September 14. She is clearly upset by the betrayal and now she’s on full board with wanting them out of the BB25 house and wants to spread the word.

Felicia is even willing to win the Head of Household and make this big move. Her main priority is keeping Mecole safe but has also talked about forming a new alliance with Mecole, America, and Cory. She has also begun working on pulling Bowie to their side to form a new power five. And given that Felicia is one of the least subtle people out there, everyone is going to find out about this and it’s going to get messy.

ALSO READ: Felicia makes a new alliance

Of course, Mecole is Felicia’s #1 ally and she’s also aware of it — and may have to go along for the ride. Though, we do think that Mecole is a little more measured in that Cirie and Jared may need to be split up, but she doesn’t have to be the one to do it. She’s not being targeted right now! Technically, Felicia is not either — she is just someone who feels hurt by them and is driven right now by vengeance.

Reminder! Don’t forget, we’ve got a Double Eviction on the way this week.

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