Is there some forgiveness in the air today inside the ‘Big Brother 25’ house? Of course, if you are Cirie, we have to imagine you are hoping for that!
Let’s just start off here by indicating that for a good part of yesterday, we saw Felicia roaming around the Big Brother house on a big, anti-Cirie tour, feeling hurt and betrayed over what happened in week 6 of BB25. This led to her even saying that she wanted to target Cirie moving forward. We do think it’s smart not to trust her fully, but it’s also worth noting that Cirie isn’t going after to her in the way that she was before the whole Jared – Cory fight last week.
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Well, on Monday evening Cirie did offer up some sort of apology to Felicia for not telling her about the vote last week and leaving her out to dry — it’s still not exactly a full apology for what actually happened, and we’re not sure that Felicia even bought — it’s probably too little too late at this point as the ‘anti-Cirie tour’ is still rolling. The thing that Cirie does have on her side right now is time, given that there are a few days until Cameron’s inevitable eviction and this could be a slower week. What she needs to do moving forward is just make it clear that she can be better for her game than the likes of Cory and America.
Cirie apologized to Felicia for not leading a charge to let her know what was going on last week, and said she really loves her and didn’t want to taint their relationship pic.twitter.com/89t5nyrpes
— hamsterwatch #bb25 (@hamsterwatch) September 19, 2023
Does everyone know that a Double Eviction is coming?
Not exactly, but at the same time we do feel like people are aware it is possible and they are thinking ahead with that in mind. Of course, what they are not realizing at the moment is that there is some sort of scary-verse twist to it. What that is remains to be seen, but it may shake things up a little before jury.
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