Cirie Fields, a Survivor star and the winner of The Traitors season 1, has been playing well on Big Brother 25, but the approaching double eviction may make it difficult for her to survive.
Izzy, who was evicted on Thursday last week, was the only one certain that Cirie and Jared were mother and son. She recognized them right away because she is a Survivor fan. However, because she was extremely loyal to them, she took their secret out the door.
During the last Big Brother 25 live eviction episode, Julie Chen Moonves said that the episode airing on September 21 will consist of two evictions. After the first eviction, the contestants play a week’s worth of Big Brother in a single night leading to a double eviction.
This means the episode will consist of the Head of Household (HOH) and Power of Veto competitions, and the veto ceremony leading to another eviction.
However, we think Cirie can be in danger during the double eviction due to the Big Brother house’s current dynamics and quick pace.
Cirie and her son Jared have managed the Big Brother 25 house for most of the game. Although Cirie has yet to win a competition, her incredible social game has allowed her to dominate nearly every vote this season.
Jared has so far won three competitions which include two HOHs (weeks 5 and 7) and one Power of Veto (week 6), Jared’s veto victory prevented Cameron from backdooring Cirie, a strategy he shared with Jared without realizing Cirie is his mother.
However, because Jared is the current HOH after winning the Wall competition, he will be ineligible to participate in the double eviction which means Cirie can only rely on herself to keep her safe now that Jared is no longer on HOH. Nobody knows when the houseguests will turn on her. Felicia Cannon, a close pal of hers, has already told Jared that she’d prefer to go to the final two with him than Cirie.
After Jag and Matt realize that their alliance with Cirie is fake from Cory, they shift their votes this week to vote out Izzy rather than Felicia to weaken Cirie.
Cirie has also been on the radars of America and Cameron for several weeks. Although Cameron is Jared’s backdoor target and will most likely leave before the double eviction, there are enough individuals who dislike Cirie that they may easily flip on her.
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