Big Brother 25 spoilers: Felicia makes a new alliance


Izzy was eliminated before the BB25 jury phase started after the house switched its vote last Thursday in favor of Felicia by an 8-1 count. During her week on the block, Felicia might have picked up some crucial knowledge, and she used it.

Cameron put Felicia next to Izzy on the block – even though he wanted Cirie Fields to become a replacement nominee. While Felicia was on the block, Cameron told her she was about to get sent home due to her alliance bailing on her.

Felicia was only able to win thanks to a vote flip that put Jared’s opponents America and Cory on his wrong side.

After Izzy’s eviction, spoilers regarding Jared Fields winning the HOH Competition were revealed on the live feeds. The following day, Jared met with each person individually talking about his plans but Felicia and Mecole became conscious that they were on the outskirts of events when the dust settled inside the house.

Mecole and Felicia each figured out that Jared and Cirie had a two-person alliance that couldn’t be broken so they then decided to make a two-person alliance of their own.

But can Felicia keep this alliance to herself? Only time will tell. However, History predicts that she will eventually tell someone else about it.

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