Details on the new ‘Big Brother 25’ jury twist — it’s “going old school”


Heading into the sixth live eviction of “Big Brother 25” on Thursday, September 14 which sealed Izzy Gleicher’s fate in the game, we were all aware that Julie Chen Moonves was going to announce some sort of jury twist. And what was the “big announcement” regarding the jury? Read on for more details…

While the remaining houseguests (minus outgoing HOH Cameron) got set on the iconic wall comp in the backyard, Big Brother show host informed them that at this point in the game, everyone should be aware that they’re “going old school” and returning to a seven person jury instead of the whopping nine jurors as it has been the custom in recent seasons.

Well, Julie made it clear there right? Only seven people will make it to the jury and because of that, two more people are not going to make it there.

Is this going to be as dramatic as we anticipated? Not exactly, but we truly don’t believe that a jury of nine is necessary in the end. We also tend to believe that being selected for the jury should be an honor because seven votes are enough to choose a winner.

We do believe that many players simply play the game to advance to that point, which is not the primary objective in this case. You’re playing to win, right? We are hoping that everyone who is left gives it their all.

As of this writing, just 11 HGs have remained in the race to win the $750,000 grand prize: America LopezBlue KimBowie JaneCameron HardinCory WurtenbergerFelicia CannonJag BainsJared FieldsMatt KlotzMecole Hayes and Cirie Fields. Who do YOU think will ultimately prevail?

ALSO READ: *Spoilers* Week 7 nominations made by HOH

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