Big Brother Spoilers: Did Jared accidentally reveal his secret to Mecole?


The Big Brother live feeds have been busy since Friday. Jared is making a lot of effort and move now that he is the Head of Household once more after winning the Wall Challenge. He talked about who he would nominate for eviction for most of the day.

A little after 1 p.m. PT, Jared started talking to Mecole Hayes on the Big Brother live feeds and during that conversation, it’s possible that Jared slipped up about his mom.

Jared pushed hard to get Mecole to believe he wanted to work with her. He also assured her safety for the week and said that she didn’t need to campaign. Part of the chat got interesting when Jared possibly slipped.

Some Big Brother fans took to social media to say they heard Jared say “my mom” when speaking to Mecole on Thursday. At about 1:33:20 PT (house time), Jared is shown talking to Mecole. He then says something that sounds like “my mom” as he talks about someone he met earlier.

Jared and Felicia were together in the HOH Room earlier, so it’s possible he was addressing her. It’s also possible that Jared wasn’t speaking clearly. Could Jared have said “When I was with Felicia” during his conversation and muddled some words?

We all know that Izzy was the only other houseguest who openly knew the secret that Cirie and Jared are son and mom but Izzy kept the secret till when she left the house on Thursday night.

Blue has also been told by Jared that his mother is Felicia, but Blue doesn’t always take Jared at his word because she believes that he frequently lies.

In a chat with his mom, Jared said he felt that Izzy told Blue about them (Jared and Cirie). It appears Jared was trying to push Izzy under the bus, possibly heading off any information coming from Blue.

Mecole already clocked that Jared might have a relationship with someone else in the house (other than Blue). Will she put the pieces together now?

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