The Big Brother 25 HGs have faced the Nominations Ceremony and now prepare for the upcoming Veto Competition. The writing is on the wall and the targets are set with several options to satisfy the new Head of Household. Now we’re just waiting for the PoV to set the rest of the week’s course but overnight America again took on the role of warning this week’s possible main target.
America has continued to have an odd connection with Cameron as one of the few HGs who seems to have honest interactions with him and keep him looped into what’s really going on inside the Big Brother game. Just a few days ago America delivered the news that yes Cameron, you were the real target against Red until you won the Veto. Cameron repeatedly denied her assertion but she was completely right! Once that settled in Cameron shook up the game which contributed to Izzy getting evicted over Felicia, just as he wanted.
Now we’re back to seeing America let Cameron know that he is once again the target, but it all comes down to today’s Veto competition. Flashback to 10:58 PM BBT 9/15 to find America talking with Cameron in the bathroom.
America confirms that yes, Cameron is the Backdoor target, but she and Cory are both viable alternatives from what she can tell. Cameron is obviously nervous about this upcoming competition that could possibly leave him on the sidelines to watch his fate playout.
Cameron asserts to America that this is the time to take risks and do what the others may be telling her not to do: pick him for HG Choice. Now that’s still just a slim chance but he’s got to prepare for this opportunity.
Cameron explains the obvious: if he plays and wins Veto then he can save America and all three (America, Cameron, and Cory) could in theory be safe this week. But if America or Cory wins it then they can only save themselves and Cameron *will* go up as the renom.
America says she’s leaning to picking Jag as her HG Choice if she draws that chip. Cameron warns America if Jag wins Veto then he may save neither of them or listen to what Jared wants for it to be used and Cameron to be renom’d.
But outside Cameron’s perspective, if Jag does play, wins Veto, and saves America then her and Cory would likely be safe as Cameron goes up and out. Reverse that though with Cameron playing, winning, and saving America then Jag goes up and out unless Cory takes a higher priority to be evicted over Jag.
So who does America prioritize: Jag or Cameron? That’s her real choice here and even then it’s a narrow margin for the stars to align for either of those events to work out.
After their conversation America goes back to Cory and lets him know she warned Cameron and said she’d likely pick Jag over Cameron for HG Choice. Cory is frustrated because he fears now if Cameron does get to play and wins Veto then he may save neither Cory nor America with it out of spite. A reasonable concern, especially if Cameron estimates Cory more likely to go and then Cameron could potentially have America as an ally to himself over Cory.
Just curious why America feels the need to keep cluing Cameron into the Big Brother 25 events around him, effectively trying to help his game along. Hope she sees it as a way to hedge her bets in the weeks ahead. Or is she just being too honest with the wrong HGs?
Let’s see what happens with the Veto players draw coming up and that’ll settle a lot of this debate for the HGs.
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