‘Big Brother 25’ episode 19 Recap: Here’s what happened on the night of Thursday, September 14


Heading into the sixth live eviction of “Big Brother 25,” Veto winner Jared Fields had just opted not to use his power to save either Izzy Gleicher or Felicia Cannon. That meant one of the Bye Bye Bitches would be sent packing thanks to Head of Household Cameron Hardin, leaving Cirie Fields with one less ally in the game. So how did this week’s eviction play out on live TV? And what was the “big announcement” regarding the jury?

In you missed, Read on for our minute-by-minute Big Brother Season 25, Episode 19 recap to find out what happened Thursday, September 14 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Heading into Thursday night live eviction show, here are the 12 houseguests who were still in the race to win the $750,000 grand prize: America LopezBlue KimBowie JaneCameron HardinCory WurtenbergerFelicia CannonIzzy GleicherJag BainsJared FieldsMatt KlotzMecole Hayes and Cirie Fields.

8:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 18th episode, Cameron separately told Izzy and Felicia they were both his “pawn” and that he had a bigger plan. When Jared won the Veto, Cameron informed him he was thinking of backdooring Cirie, which obviously didn’t go over well with her son. Several punishments were also doled out, with Izzy and Cam wearing pig costumes, Cirie and Felicia donning kayak get-ups, and Matt having to spend the week with a Josh Duhamel cut-out. But enough about last night, it’s time to see who gets evicted!

8:04 p.m. – Following the Veto Meeting on Day 41, Jared’s decision to not use the veto on either Izzy or Felicia left one of his mom’s strongest allies vulnerable to eviction. Felicia was expecting to be saved by votes from Jared, Cirie, Blue, Mecole and Matt, but she didn’t know that Cirie’s stronger allegiance was to Izzy who she’d need to save instead. Cirie didn’t want the decision to have to come from her because it would expose her closeness to Izzy too greatly so she needed the house to sway toward keeping Izzy on their own.

8:06 p.m. – From Cory’s perspective, he was ready to keep Izzy because he was close with her, Cirie and Jared from very early in the game. He also felt like Blue and Matt would be on board to keep Izzy as well. Because he was getting closer to America, Cory touched base with her because he knew that she’s been wanting to get rid of Cirie or Izzy for weeks. America did not want to budge though because she was convinced that Izzy is the better game player and this is the moment they need to embrace in order to take her out of the game.

8:10 p.m. – America told Cameron privately that she felt the consensus in the house is that Felicia will be going, much to Cameron’s surprise. Cameron wanted to know more information and America told him that Jared is at the center of the house and was actually targeting Cameron for eviction over Red last week. That was news to Cameron, who immediately remembered that Jared was unwilling to put Cirie up as a replacement nominee and began to “make sense” of the game. He felt like Jared and Cirie must be tigehter than they’re letting on and they were at the center of Red turning on Cameron. America got Cameron agreed that Izzy is the most important eviction of the summer, but without Cameron being able to vote, America would have to go to work to get everyone else on board.

8:12 p.m. – America started with Matt, asking him who he thinks is in the middle of the game being used as pawns. Matt was still strongly aligned to Cirie, but told America he was listening and willing to work with her from the middle in order to stay on her good side. He showed his loyalty by admitting to being the one to save Jag a couple weeks ago, and that Jag, Cory and Cirie were the other players for that power. When America told Cory that Matt told her Cirie told Matt she played for the power, it turned on a light for Cory that he wasn’t as close to Cirie as he thought he was. He couldn’t believe that Cirie was closer to Matt than him and that America might be right in the idea to take a shot at Cirie by evicting Izzy.

8:17 p.m. – The more Cory thought about what was going on in the house, he knew he had to do something about it. He took information he got from Izzy days ago about 7 Deadly Sins to Jag in order to expose how their two big alliances have been played against each other for weeks. He admitted that they brought him and America into For Real, For Real in the same way that he and Matt were brought into 7 Deadly Sins. Jag said he’s been suspicious of both Jared and Cirie for some time and that this revelation was bringing it all together for him as well. They agreed that this was the moment that they could start playing the game for themselves by blindsiding Izzy, Cirie and Jared by taking out Izzy instead of Felicia. With Cory, America and Jag on board to vote out Izzy, they knew they’d need to loop Matt, Mecole and Bowie in.

8:21 p.m. – Cory went to Bowie with the plan and she was immediately on board to leave Jared, Blue and Cirie out of the vote and blindside them. Cory helped Bowie realize that Cirie is the one leaving people out of votes, like when Bowie was left out of the Red vote last week. Cory went to Mecole next, whose first impression was that he was bringing a joke to her and the plan felt “wonky” at that point. Mecole truly believed that Izzy is the stronger player between her and Felicia and so it comes down to a personal need to take out the bigger threat. Cory talked to Matt last, saying that he knows he’s close to Cirie but that Cirie led Cory to believe he was close to her as well. He wanted Matt to understand that they’re both being played and used the knowledge of 7 Deadly Sins in order to prove it to Matt. When Jag rolled in to back Cory up with Matt, it seemed like Matt was fully mind-blown to the revelation and ready to flip the vote as well.

8:29 p.m. – Ahead of the vote, Julie gave both Felicia and Izzy one last chance to plead their case to stay to their fellow houseguests. Felicia asked everyone to consider being a leader instead of a follower. Izzy passionately told the house that she’s been fighting for others in the house and is a protective player who could fight for them if given the chance. The houseguests then entered the Diary Room to cast their votes: America for Izzy and Cory for Izzy.

8:38 p.m. – The votes continued: Matt for Izzy, Cirie for Felicia, Jared for Izzy, Bowie for Izzy, Blue for Izzy, Jag for Izzy, and Mecole for Izzy. Julie revealed the 8-1 total to the houseguests that Izzy has been evicted from the house. On her way out, Izzy gave everyone a hug goodbye, but refused to give Cameron one and said that she’d be seeing him (as well as Cory) soon.

8:48 p.m. – In her exit interview with Julie, Izzy said that the plan changed last night when Cory flipped on them. She said her biggest mistake in the game was thinking that she was close with Cory and that he could be trusted. She said that he “said all the right things” that made her and her allies trust him despite them feeling skeptical about him for weeks. When Julie asked Izzy about Cirie and Jared’s secret, Izzy said that “having people in the house that you trust is invaluable” and she doesn’t regret not telling anyone about it because it brought her closer to Cirie. She said that her eviction puts Cirie and Jared in a really bad place going forward and that even if Cirie had been the one to go instead, she would have been following her right out anyway.

8:55 p.m. – In the backyard, the remaining houseguests (minus outgoing HOH Cameron) got set on the iconic wall comp where they’d have to outlast each other by staying on the wall longest through the night. Julie also informed them that at this point in the game, everyone should be aware that they’re “going old school” and returning to a seven person jury instead of nine as has been custom in recent seasons.

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