Of course we all expected the possibility of a vote flip which the ‘Big Brother 25’ season has practically patented as a core principle to their weekly routine. These HGs are bonkers and we’re reaping all the rewards! So who is going home tonight on Big Brother?? Let’s run through it.
Week 6 of “Big Brother 25” was heading toward a pretty uneventful conclusion, but that all changed on Wednesday night. A vote-flip is on for Izzy to go and Felicia to stay. And Cirie is not the mastermind behind it all.
Seeds for the flip were planted, inadvertently, days ago by Jared and his inability to keep his mouth shut. He had told Cameron that Cory has a big secret he had told America (his brother was on “Survivor”), prompting Cam to ask Cory about it. They both eventually realized that Jared is not to be trusted and is trying to divide everyone by spreading (mis)information. On Wednesday, America told Mecole and Cam that Felicia definitely does not have the votes to stay, upending Cirie & Co.’s plan to break the news to Felicia after dinner. Mecole and Cam both told Felicia and chaos ensued.
Izzy then made a massive unforced error by telling Cory that he needs to untether himself from America, whom she does not trust and wants to target after Cam. This spurred Cory to start the flip and he collected Jag, telling him that he and America knew about Seven Deadly Sins and were told that the alliance was fake. Jag was down, as were Bowie and Mecole. With them, Cory and America, that’s five votes and all they need. But Cory and Jag decided to pull in Matt, about whom they were concerned since he’s close with Cirie and Jared. They compared notes and Matt came on board, bringing the vote 6-3 with only Cirie, Jared and Blue in the dark.
And they all want to keep the rest of the house in the dark for a true blindside. Cory and America even pretended to break up and the former sought relationship advice from Cirie. But by the end of the night, Cirie and Izzy sensed a disturbance in the force between the various chats and people being called to the DR frequently (production really needs to cover the bases better). Izzy said she f—ed up and thinks she might be going home. Cirie tried to suss things out and talked one-on-one with Cory and Matt, saying she loves Izzy but to let her know if the vote changes. They both lied to her face that everything (voting out Felicia) was A-OK.
So for now, it looks like the flip is holding with Felicia, who still thinks she’s leaving, staying and Izzy going by 6-3. Thursday can bring more flipping, but the rest of the house seems to have finally clocked Cirie’s power structure and is banding together to bring it down. They’ve already discussed taking out Jared next week via a backdoor. Jared’s gameplay has been catastrophically bad, but it’s hilarious that he has basically tanked his mom’s game and his final three because he’s gotta one-up and have the final say over someone. It’s also ironic that Felicia’s kayak punishment is what saved her — she chose Cirie as her partner, preventing Cirie from cleaning up Jared’s messes for 48 hours.
We’ve still got hours left to go and this house can move quickly but I do think we’ll likely be seeing Izzy out the door come tonight. Of course there’s still the mysterious tease from Julie Chen Moonves that there will be a big announcement tonight that will affect the Jury. Could be an expanded Jury and Izzy will have made that cut? If not, then she’s heading home instead.
So who do you think will be evicted from Big Brother 25 tonight? Share your picks in the comment section below..
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