Big Brother 25′ spoilers: Cameron continues with his anti-Izzy train campaign


Vote-flip convos continued on Tuesday in the “Big Brother 25” house, but they never really took like they have in past weeks. And there’s a very good reason for that: Cirie doesn’t want one.

Cirie has been a major driving force for all the flip discussions, but not this week since there’s no way she’ll cut Izzy over Felicia. So it was more of the same on Tuesday with this week’s HOH Cameron trying to strong-arm everyone into evicting Izzy even though he’s been told multiple times that she’s staying. Maybe he thinks if he says how much he wants her gone enough times that it’ll come true. He told Matt that he thinks the votes will be there to bounce Izzy between Matt, Bowie and America, who will be able to pull Cory and then Jag would fall in line, which would be their new group. Matt immediately relied this convo back to Cirie like the loyal “son” he is.

Cameron’s not the only one who thinks Izzy should go either. America also wants her out because she finds Cirie and Izzy dangerous and thinks Izzy can win more comps than Felicia (ironic since Felicia has won HOH and Izzy has won nothing). Her problem, of course, is that she has no capital in the game and almost everyone distrusts her. Jag told Matt he wants to keep Izzy, while Cory is just in a bad spot, partially due to his showmance with America. But he told Izzy that he thinks the vote will be 9-0 and at worse 7-2 with Bowie and Mecole being the dissenters.

Mecole, meanwhile, is the only one truly in the dark about Felicia’s impending exit. Even Felicia sees the writing on the wall and told Mecole that she doesn’t think she has the votes, which shocked Mecole. Felicia noted how Jared didn’t use the Veto on her after telling her he would, so she knows that Jared favors Cirie over her. Nailed it. Mecole has been coasting in the middle, perhaps too much if you know less than Bowie does.

Later, Cirie decided that they’ll give Mecole and Felicia a heads-up after today’s dinner about the vote so they won’t be blindsided. That also means probably less waffling today than usual, but we can be sure Cam will still be on his anti-Izzy train.

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