Big Brother 25 spoilers: A big secret is revealed to Cameron


Well, guess what Big Brother fans some Big Brother 25 secrets were revealed to Cameron overnight. Yes, he has learned something new in the house, which might benefit him. Only if he believes it!

For weeks, Cameron has been persuaded that Jared is on his side. Cameron still believed that Jared was targeting Red even after Jared nominated him for eviction in Week 5. The fact that Jared and his mother Cirie want Cameron to leave the house has long been known to Big Brother fans.

But in his desperation to find allies, Cameron felt Jared was looking out for him.

“Cam, Red was never the target. It was you,” America said to Cameron in the HOH Room.“No,” Cam retorted with a smile on his face. “Yes,” America responded while getting more frustrated.

“And now I’m like saying way too much. I shouldn’t be telling you this, but you were the target last week,” America explained. “No,” Cameron responded again with an unwillingness to believe her. The conversation lasted a while, leading to America stating that Jared was against him.

America also told Cameron about the friendship between Jared and Izzy. Cameron didn’t want to believe that information either. He was convinced that Jared wanted Izzy out of the house but we all know that’s not the case.

Fireworks could be coming to the Big Brother house in Week 7 if Cameron finds a way to gain safety. How interesting do you think this will be? Unless Bowie Jane wins the Head of Household Competition, Cameron is most likely to end up on the block again.

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