Big Brother 25’s Julie Chen Moonves claims Cameron as HOH has the possibility to bring down Cirie


Big Brother 25 host Julie Chen Moonves has been keeping a close eye on the game and believes Cameron Hardin’s HOH reign will lead to the downfall of Survivor icon Cirie Fields.

Cirie has dominated the game since the beginning, thanks to her uncanny ability to persuade her other houseguests into doing precisely what she wants. Cirie may be in jeopardy now that her former ally Cameron has won the season’s second Head of Household (HOH) competition.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Julie Chen was asked some questions about Cirie and she had some interesting answers that will also keep us wondering what will happen next in the house.

Entertainment Weekly asked Julie Chen whether Cirie had the game on total lockdown since all roads in the house seemed to lead back to her. She certainly seems to, but now with Cameron being HOH, if he figures that out, it’ll be curtains for her Julie Chen answered.

Also, Cameron wins yet another Head of Household. Do you think he should just go with the majority alliance again, or now make a big move and take a shot at Izzy or Felicia like he threatened to a few weeks ago? He’s going to have to cut a deal with other big players in the house like Cirie and Jared if he decides to do that. He needs coverage after his current reign as HOH is over she said.

Cirie has been the brains behind the previous few evictions. Her alliance members follow any scheme she devises. During Cameron’s previous HOH reign, she convinced Matt Klotz to overrule Jag Bains’ elimination.

If Cameron realizes that, he may seek vengeance on Cirie. As the current HOH, Cameron has the power to nominate Cirie for eviction or even backdoor her if he desires.

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