‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 16 Recap: Find out what happened on the night of Thursday, September 7


Heading into this week’s live eviction episode of “Big Brother 25,” Red Utley and Jag Bains were sitting on the chopping block after Cameron Hardin saved himself with the Power of Veto. Head of Household Jared Fields replaced Cam with Jag, with plans to send Red home.

But with so much house flipping each week, who went home on Thursday night? Below, read our minute-by-minute “Big Brother” Season 25, Episode 16 recap to find out what happened on Thursday, September 7 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the 15th episode, Cam won the Power of Veto and saved himself from the block. Realizing Jag was more expendable than she initially thought, Cirie pushed Jared to throw Matt’s bestie, Jag, on the block, hoping it would draw him closer to her. But after noticing Red and Cam’s relationship seemed to be permanently fractured, the houseguests began to wonder if they’d be wiser to send Jag packing this week and keep Red around for numbers. These houseguests just can’t ever seem to make up their minds until the last minute. Let’s find out who goes home!

9:10 p.m. — With Jag back on the block, there’s no more super power to save him. Cam gloats about surviving the block three times and vows to save his boy Red, despite Red’s current sour feelings. Jag feels like a pawn at this point and hopes it results in making the team stronger moving forward. Cirie secretly wants Jag out because he has too much intel on her game. Later, Felicia and Izzy start to get scared about evicting Jag. Izzy is worried about what he will say about them when he walks out the door. Next we’re subjected to various scenes from the evolving Cory/America showmance. This is of zero interest to me.

9:15 p.m. — Cirie calls Legend 25 back together to make sure everything is going as planned. She tells Red he’s staying. They’re all still family and families fight. Meme thinks the meeting was premature. She knows they’re an indecisive group and wonders if they’ll actually stick to this plan. Meme asks, “Have you seen men fight before? They mend their differences quickly.” This group seems to be banking on Cam and Red feuding to the end.

9:21 p.m. — The houseguests throw a birthday party for Red. It includes breakfast in bed, party hats and a few moments of fun. Later, Red asks Jared if he’d like to sit down with him and Cam to have a conversation about how Cam threw Red under the bus. Jared immediately gets worried, knowing he exaggerated everything Cam said. Knowing that Red wants to hash things out with Cam, Jared starts to feel like Red needs to go this week. Jared tells this information to Izzy and Felicia. Felicia wants Red out of the house.

9:23 p.m. — Felicia pulls Cirie aside and feeds her the info she heard from Jared. This is tricky for Cirie because Jared knows her book of secrets, but Red and Cam are a dangerous duo. Now they have to decide who to blindside — Jag or Red? At this point both think they’re staying.

9:36 p.m. — It’s time for the live vote and eviction. Will this be the first vote of the season that’s not unanimous? Here’s how the votes shake down: Cam (Jag), Bowie Jane (Jag), Blue (Red), America (Red), Matt (Red), Cirie (Red), Izzy (Red), Cory (Red), Felicia (Red), Meme (Red). By a vote of 8-2, Red has been evicted from the Big Brother house.

9:55 p.m.. — It’s time for the HOH competition. As the outgoing HOH, Jared is not eligible to compete. In “Name That Toot,” Julie will show a collection of videos showing colored toots. She will then ask the players a series of questions about what they just saw. Answers will be True or False. If they answer correctly they remain in the game. If they are wrong they will be eliminated. The last houseguest standing after seven questions will be the new HOH. Here is the order of elimination: Bowie Jane, Matt and Cirie (Question 3), Felicia, America, Blue, Meme and Jag (Question 4), Izzy and Cory (Question 5). Cam is the new HOH! That should shake things up this week! Will he target Jag again or will his plans shift? Things should get interesting.

10:00 p.m. — Before the episode ends, Julie informs the houseguests that everyone except for Cam will be Have Nots this week and take turns sleeping in the Have Not room. They’ll have nothing but slop and cold showers all week. Have fun, houseguests!

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