Big Brother 25’s Luke shades the show for leaving Jared in after the R-Word Controversy


Ex-Big Brother 25 houseguest Luke Valentine is criticizing the show for failing to take action against current Head Of Household Jared Fields after he used a slur.

Luke was removed from the game in the first week of the season for using a racial slur in casual conversation, and he has shown no remorse for his actions since then.

While Luke, who used the phrase in conversation with Jared in particular, hasn’t been very public since his Big Brother appearance, he has spoken out about a recent infraction of the Big Brother code of conduct online.

During a conversation with his allies including Cory, Jared used a slur towards America when he was trying to explain that she could not win the Power of Veto. Though the slur was not stated on the Big Brother live feeds, it was referred to when Jared apologized for saying it directly to Cory, admitting he “slipped up” when saying it.

When asked about his opinions about the problem on social media, Luke didn’t hold back, noting that “enforcement of the code of conduct appears rather selective” to him. While the slurs should not be compared, Luke’s point is that the rule of conduct should be followed no matter what is said in the house.

When Jared used the slur word, numerous Big Brother fans urged CBS to remove him from the show via social media. Even though a new episode aired on Sunday, September 3, production has yet to address the issue, and it is unknown whether Jared will suffer any consequences for his words.

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