‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Distrust starts to grow around Felicia, thanks Cirie’s brilliant game plan


Overnight on the Big Brother 25 live feeds, we saw something that was actually a little bit of a rarity in the game so far: A moment where everyone took a breath. Jag and Red are on the block, and both of them think that they are safe.

Yet, even though there isn’t anything that’s dramatic going on in the game right now, there are some subtle things being done behind the scenes.

So where should we start off here? Well, we should note that Cirie Fields has been working quietly to turn some people against Felicia Cannon, who has been talking way too much as of late. She accidentally mentioned Cameron’s fake alliance in front of Jag and America, and she’s also to Matt and Red both conflicting information on this week’s vote that would cause them to not trust her anymore. So far, it is working!

Last night, Red and Bowie talked about not trusting Felicia, and about Red setting her up well in the event he does go this week.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to Monday, Sept 3rd at 8:40pm BBT to watch Red and Bowie’s chat while in the Kitchen.

Bowie – don’t be paranoid because we’re just doing birthday planning.

Red – oh I’m not.

Bowie – I would be.

Red – I am over worried.. whatever happens happens.

Bowie – do you think Izzy is involved?

Red – I don’t know.

Bowie – and Meme?

Red – I think Felicia is orchestrating it because she’s been telling Cirie.. and she is like I am doing everything I can. And she will but if she can’t, she can’t. If I go, I go but I am going to out her on my way out. BIG TIME! And Cam! I’m going to let my mind be spoke! Like I wish I could already… and I will head out with my head held high because I know I played this game with integrity.

Bowie – well everything changes every 3 minutes. I think you should be fine but I will investigate.

(Meanwhile, The only way in which Jag has a chance to stay this week, at least in our opinion, is if Red and Cameron mend fences and the ‘Chillers Alliance‘ come back together.  That makes Red more of a threat.)

So, as we move forward into next week, Felicia is looming while Cameron is a main target and there’s a real objective to try and backdoor him. America and Blue could be easy pawns in the event that this plan is worked out.

The big takeaway from last night in general

Cirie remains brilliant at this game, and what she’s so good at is constantly turning people against each other so that they don’t want to work with anyone other than her people. It’s why she wants Jag gone and why she’s stirred the pot about America. This is her way to ensure there is never a resistance movement or anyone going rogue. Because she’s such a smooth talker, everyone trusts her even when they shouldn’t.

So what are you most excited to see next on Big Brother 15? Share your opinion in the comment section below.

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