Big Brother 25’s Jared admits he ‘Slipped Up’ by calling America the R-Word


Jared Fields has sparked controversy inside the Big Brother season 25 house after he referred to fellow contestant America Lopez as the R-word.

Jared is the current Head of Household and was talking strategies with his allies on Friday, September 1. Jared was trying to express how detrimental it would be for his gameplay if his target America won this week’s Power of Veto and kept herself safe from eviction. In his speech, he called America the R-word.

Jared later on the live feeds of Saturday, September 2, per social media recordings told Cory Wurtenberger — who is in a showmance with America — that he regretted the name-calling. “I don’t think she’s the R-word. I slipped up.” Jared also added, “Obviously, I was angry about it [and] I’m willing to admit that.”

In the clip, Jared further alluded that he would be ready to turn on a competitor “the moment that somebody does not benefit my game.” The feeds, which air on Pluto TV, cut off shortly after Jared’s attempted explanation.

After Jared dropped the offensive slur, many Big Brother fans implored CBS via social media to remove him from the game. Production has yet to address the controversy.

While it is not yet known if Jared will be expelled from Big Brother 25 house, as production previously set a precedent earlier this season when Luke Valentine was caught saying the N-word in conversation with Cory, Jared and Hisam Goueli on August 9. While Jared told Luke, that he didn’t care about the aforementioned slur, CBS removed him from the game.

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