‘Big Brother 25’ Live Feeds: ‘Chillers Alliance’ Of Red & Cameron Split Up – See Why!


Big Brother 25’s Bromance of Red and Cameron have put ice on their ‘Chillers Alliance‘ as of Saturday night on the Live Feeds. Having joined forces as two of the older, “outsider” Houseguests the Chillers alliance didn’t seem to have much to offer but support to each other and even that appears to have dried up.

Flashback on your Live Feeds to Saturday, Sept 2nd at 7:42PM BBT on Cams 1/2 to watch.

Joining the midstream conversation, Cameron explains his goal has been to find a way for them to both survive this week. “Did you have a different thought?,” asks Cameron to Red. Red says no, that’s always been the plan and this breakup doesn’t have anything to do with that.

Cameron pushes for what’s the real cause of the issue here, but Red didn’t share much to go on here. “Just a bad week,” explains Red who says he’s having some personal challenges and issues with Cameron. “You want to fill me in on something, cause I don’t know what’s going on,” says Cameron. “You should, you should,” counters Red. This carries on for several minutes with Cameron denying what Red obviously knows (Cameron turning on him) and instead of Cameron manning up, he continues to deny until he walks away.

So what is going on? Well Cameron is here to play for Cameron, as all HGs should be, but he hasn’t done a great job of it. Once both Cameron and Red hit the Block it did not take long for Cameron to race around suggesting that Red should be the target. Well we all know that the real plan was to target Cameron and we imagine he must have suspected that too so now we get his idea of self-preservation, but why didn’t he wait until after the Veto played out?

Once the Veto was over Cameron had won and obviously was going to save himself which left open a path for both he and Red to stay this week. And from the latest talks of keeping Red in favor of evicting Jag yet again, this was a very doable situation for the Chillers alliance to survive the week. Instead Cameron ran his mouth and word got back to Red so that little duo is over.

It’s so much over that earlier this weekend Red was participating in ideas on how they could get rid of Cameron next week. Not the best move by Cameron to alienate your only ally in the house. But another week is another opportunity in the Big Brother house, we just don’t see HGs lining up to partner with the sinking ship that’s Cameron at this point.

What do you think of Chillers alliance split up? Can Red recover and form a new trust with the other HGs or has his association with Cameron ended his path in the Big Brother 25 house?

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