Big Brother 25 spoilers: Did Cory push the showmance under the bus?


This second showmance appeared on Big Brother 25, and the couple shared numerous secrets. Cory Wurtenberger and America Lopez have been cuddling in some way almost every night for the past week.

They even got in trouble with Cirie Fields for staying up too late. Yes, Cirie got mad at them for staying up later than other houseguests, which is ridiculous.

At some point during one of their cuddling sessions, America revealed who she would nominate once she was HOH. However, Cory wasn’t keen on her suggestions, and he went ahead to tell other members of the house.

Cory informed Jared of America’s plan. On the Big Brother live feeds, it was a shocking moment. In terms of the information Cory shared, America may be rapidly voted out of the game.

America wants to target Cirie Fields, Felicia Cannon, and Izzy Gleicher if she becomes Head of Household yet Jared clearly wants to protect that trio, putting America as his target thanks to Cory.

The Week 5 HOH Competition was won by Jared Feilds after Jag Bains was defeated in the competition. Matt Klotz used the special power to save Jag, making the house reset.

Cory may have wanted to curry favor with Jared now that he is in control but on the other hand, he has damaged his game by revealing secrets and showing other houseguests even his showmance can’t trust him.

Do you think him pulling this move has pushed his relationship under the bus or even as the next target?

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