Big Brother 25: Why Felicia may be Cirie’s biggest threat!


Felicia Cannon, who Cirie Fields made a final two deal with, may pose a big threat to Cirie’s game as she considers replacing her with someone else as her final two choice. The two have a unique bond due to their age difference, but Felicia may prioritize her own game over their alliance.

Okay! This move is pretty basic but again Cirie has that strong social game than Felicia. Lets say in terms of gaining allies and convincing them to sacrifice their own game for her, Cirie has proved successful in previous reality TV shows she has managed to feature on like Survivor and The Traitors, which she won.

Meanwhile, Big Brother presents a unique challenge for Cirie, as the cast is larger, and she has to navigate relationships with more people. A case in point this season of Big Brother 25 started with 17 houseguests in total, whereas Survivor starts with smaller tribes. That means Cirie needs to account for many more people. She thought she had Felicia Cannon in her pocket, but she might be her biggest threat.

Felicia on considering to replace Cirie in her Final 2 deal:

Felicia started the season sitting pretty. That’s because everyone in the house liked her and that comes with the good and the bad. Reilly Smedley put her on the block as a pawn next to Kirsten Elwin because it was certain she wouldn’t get any votes. Houseguests who get used as pawns usually lose respect as a player and get repeatedly put on the block. But that didn’t happen with Felicia. She hasn’t touched the block since the first week and has won Head of Household once.

Another feather in Felicia’s hat is Cirie. Cirie made a final two-deal with Felicia. This would probably be real for Cirie if her son, Jared Fields, wasn’t in the house and Izzy Gleicher didn’t know their secret. It seems like Cirie and Felicia relate to each other the most with a 10-year age difference between them. The rest of the house respects them, and Felicia is really the only one who can command a certain respect from Cirie because of her age.

But because Felicia is an elder, she is also less likely to give up her game to Cirie. On August 27, Felicia told Jared that she had a deal with Cirie to bring each other to the end. However, Felicia thinks it might be smarter to bring Jared instead. Actually it would be smarter since Jared is less of a threat to her jury votes. But he would have a fighting chance if Cirie is on that jury to sway other people. Felicia has a better chance at winning with anyone sitting beside her in the finale…except for Cirie.

Will Cirie cut Felicia first?

Jared tells Cirie about most of the game conversations he’s had with other houseguests. So it’s not surprising it didn’t take long for him to tell his mother about Felicia’s pitch. Cirie didn’t want to believe it at first, and it could’ve been the timing. The mother tried to convince Jared to vote to evict Blue Kim, who was sitting on the block in week 4.

Jared was adamant that would be bad for his game. He’s in a showmance with Blue and has a lot of influence over her. Jag Bains is a competition threat and Jared doesn’t have much sway with him. Jared doesn’t know this, but Jag has also correctly suspected Jared of ratting out The Handful alliance at the beginning of the season. Jared argued with his mom that he didn’t trust other houseguests as much as Blue, and he told Cirie about Felicia to make it a point that she shouldn’t either.

It seemed like Jared’s warning sunk in later for Cirie. She talked about now having to worry about Felicia. But there are so many other houseguests left in the game. Cirie might wait to take out Felicia later or change her plans once someone in her alliance gains power. But there is a very real possibility that Felicia could move forward with her plan to betray Cirie making her the biggest threat to her game. It’s going to come down to who makes the first move between them.

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