Big Brother 25: America confesses her feelings for Cory


Another Big Brother showmance is drawing the eyes of many live feed viewers. The relationship between Jared Fields and Blue Kim is well-known, but a second showmance surfaced within the BB25 cast.

America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger are having lots of fun getting to know each other, and the cuddle sessions give them much joy. America even admitted to Izzy Gleicher that she has a crush on Cory. Though he sometimes seems oblivious to her advances.

The result of this pairing has been a cute relationship. And it has fans rooting for Cory and America on social media.

Cory (a 21-year-old college student from Florida) and America (a 27-year-old medical receptionist from New York) haven’t had much screen time on episodes due to other dramatic characters. That could change as they continue surviving on Big Brother 25.

During the live feeds America talked to Izzy about her feelings for Cory. This discussion happened after Cory got called to the Diary Room, giving the women a moment to discuss him.

“I love Cory. He’s cute. He’s growing on me just a little bit,” America told Izzy with a big smile.

Another cute conversation between America and Cory took place on the backyard hammock. Based on America’s comment about Cory’s heart beating fast, he enjoyed spending time with her.

As for Cory’s side of things, he has mentioned America during Diary Room sessions on episodes. And in the clip below, he briefly chats with Izzy about enjoying his cuddling time with America.

Also, in a conversation from earlier this season, Cory and America laughed about how attractive Matt Klotz has been this season. It’s another conversation showing their comfort together.

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