‘Big Brother 25’ spoilers: Jared and Cirie clash – Is Blue in trouble?


The mother and son duo clashing! It was bound to happen at some point but who would have thought it would happen this early?

While Cirie and Izzy have been working to flip the vote on Blue and blindside her, they realize that she is a problem when it comes to Jared.

ALSO READ: Jared “let’s the cat out of the bag” – He reveals to Blue that Cirie is his mom!

On Saturday Cirie claimed that she and her allies would tell Jared right before the eviction. That didn’t happen. Instead, she informed him as to what was going on and he did not like it one bit. He doesn’t trust Izzy, he feels burned by her; yet, Cirie keeps telling him that he needs to trust her.

This feels like a rare mistake from Cirie, given that Jared could run back to Cameron, and tell him that Blue is becoming a target, and he and Red could put someone else on the block to ensure that Jag goes. Granted, Cirie would probably be mad if that happened. Also, she’s going to be mad already once she finds out that Jared told Blue his mom was in the Big Brother 25. (Glad, Blue thinks it’s Felicia and he hasn’t corrected her on that.)

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