Big Brother 25 spoilers: Jared “let’s the cat out of the bag” – He reveals to Blue that Cirie is his mom!


The “BIG SECRET” of Big Brother 25 that host Julie Chen likes to keep telling evicted Houseguests (how Survivor’s Cirie Fields is related to HG Jared Fields) is finally out thanks to “Prince Charming” – Jared.

At some point we all suspected that Jared was going to screw up and let his secret out once he got involves in showmance with fellow houseguest Blue but who knew it would be this soon. Well, this won’t go well for Cirie or Jared and it may even put a target on Blue.

It’s dangerous info because when it comes down to it, Cirie would never turn on her son and one would hope the same for Jared. So what’s Jared doing running his mouth like this? After days of teasing Blue that he held a secret about his position in the game and how he couldn’t tell her, well so much for that.

Flashback to 8/27 at 1:43 AM BBT on the Live Feeds to watch as Jared blows his cover and a major twist to the Big Brother season, likely all in a bid to impress his showmance.

Jared tells Blue, “what if I told you my mom is in the game?” She doesn’t seem to immediately get that he’s serious and asks what’s his secret. “I just told you,” Jared explains. But as the talk continues a twist is added to the truth. Blue thinks it’s Felicia, no Cirie.

Blue says she wouldn’t treat the situation any differently. “That changes nothing for me,” explains Blue. Blue says she wouldn’t put up Jared and his mom, but instead would put up “her and Cirie.” See, she thinks it’s Felicia.

Blue continues to insist this information wouldn’t make her approach change in the game. Jared isn’t convinced and he also continues to try and play the “if it’s true” on what he’s told her. Jared thinks he’s very clever. Of course he’s not and this reveal has done nothing to benefit his game and only puts him and Cirie at risk.

So at this point Blue knows Jared’s mother is in the game, but she has the wrong impression of who it might be. How long before she tells Jag or another ally? Right now Blue is on the Block and while Jag was the main target earlier yesterday things have shifted and Blue might now be the new plan for eviction. If she discovers that will she try to use this info as leverage?

And what about Cirie finding out? If she knows that now Izzy isn’t the only one who knows, will that reinforce Cirie’s interest in getting out Blue this week to refocus Jared’s attention on the game? Am sure this will cause a big mess in the house but for us fans, it will be fun.

What do you think will happen next? Will Blue keep this news to herself? Will Jared be the one to reveal that he’s shared the secret? We’ve got a lot to watch for over the next few days of Big Brother 25!

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