‘Big Brother 25’ Episode 10 Recap: Find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 24


Heading into the third live eviction episode of ‘Big Brother 25’ last night, Week 3 Head of Household Felicia Cannon had just made good on her promise to backdoor Hisam GoueliJag Bains winning the Veto and removing himself from the block gave Felicia the opportunity she needed to put up her true target (Hisam) alongside her pawn (Cameron Hardin). So who ended up being the third person voted out of the “BB25” house on Thursday night?

Read on to find out what happened on the night of Thursday, August 24 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT with our minute-by-minute Big Brother Season 25, Episode 10 recap. ..

9:00 p.m. – “Previously on ‘Big Brother’!” In the ninth episode, Hisam had no idea that he was really Felicia’s target. The chicken-themed Veto competition took place in the backyard with Jag prevailing, but it came with a punishment as he was forced to wear a yellow chicken costume all week long. Meanwhile, Cirie was not happy Jared was starting to openly flirt with Blue because she was worried it would come back to bite him. But enough about last night — let’s get to the live eviction!

9:06 p.m. – Following his unexpected nomination as Felicia’s replacement, Hisam was left wondering where the pieces fell to get his own alliance to turn on him. It was painful for him to realize that no one in his seven-persona alliance clued him in to it, but his first matter of business was talking to Felicia. She explained that she heard Hisam never saw her as a competitor and that she had to back door him because if she would have nominated him then he would have won the veto. Afterwards, Hisam said in the Diary Room that “as gamely, this is stupid,” but he knew that he couldn’t say that to anyone.

9:09 p.m. – When Hisam talked to Izzy, she admitted that both her and Cirie knew of the plan. Izzy apologized, but said that it was her job to make him feel comfortable and keep him calm throughout the week. He said that it was always his goal to get the alliance to the end, but Izzy said that she wasn’t going to stand for being undermined and being called a “leftover.” She listed all of the things that they heard from America which made Hisam understand that they lost trust in him because of the conversations he was having with other people. He told Izzy that it was just him trying to make connections to other people because he knew he had become vulnerable with his three wins in a row.

9:15 p.m. – With the blindside plan, Hisam had to weight the options for his path forward. He decided that he still wanted to work with Felicia and the original alliance because he sees them as “family” and wants to win together with them. With that in mind he went to Felicia to plead on that basis of “family.” He told her that he thought he was acting in the best interest of everyone, but she pointed out that he never kept them in the loop on his plans and it seemed like he was putting himself first. Later he asked for Izzy’s vote with the same plea and apology, adding that “if there is saving to be had” that he’ll move on from this week and won’t seek revenge. He got emotional with Cirie later when he told her he sees her as “family” and she admitted that she can’t stand in judgment of him because she’s not in his position and doesn’t know what she would have done. He told her that he’d be an aggressive player against the other side and he would fight hard for The Professors. Cirie saw that as a vow of loyalty and that meant she had to consider it.

9:21 p.m. – When Cirie, Felicia and Izzy touched base about their option of keeping Hisam, they evaluated what it would look like if they got rid of Cameron instead. They considered that keeping Hisam would mean he’d be protecting them, but before they could make a decision they needed to bring Hisam into the conversation. Felicia said that she would be a fool to work hard to save Hisam if it meant that he turned around and made her his target. Hisam seemed grateful for the new pledge of trust between them and it gave him hope that it was possible he could stay.

9:28 p.m. – Ahead of the live vote and eviction, each of the nominees had a chance to make one last pitch to the houseguests to sway their votes. Cameron acknowledged that he loves the other houseguests and he thinks they’ve all gotten closer this week. Hisam said that he did some reflecting and learned a lot of things this week because of his mistakes, but learned how to ask for forgiveness. He asked for generosity, mercy and kindness in order to earn their vote this week and that he’d be loyal to them through the end of the game, unlike Cameron.

9:30 p.m. – The houseguests cast their votes to evict: Red for Hisam, Jag for Hisam, Bowie for Hisam, and Blue for Hisam.

9:36 p.m. – The votes continued with: Matt for Hisam, Cirie for Hisam, America for Hisam, Izzy for Hisam, Cory for Hisam, Jared for Hisam, and Mecole for Hisam. That means in the third straight unanimous decision of the season, Hisam was evicted by a vote of 11-0.

9:41 p.m. – Once Hisam left the house, the houseguests were startled by a message from the Scary-verse and a video message from Kaysar Ridha from BB6. He reminded them of the Pressure Cooker competition that he competed in 18 years ago and that they’d be confronted with the legendary challenge, but worse.

9:48 p.m. – In his exit interview, Hisam told Julie that he’s direct, bold and fierce competitor and he acknowledges that it can intimidate people. He says he trusted the wrong people and made too many bad decisions. He accepted that his reign as HOH could be seen as a “dictatorship,” but part of what he was trying to balance is how their entire alliance could get to the end of the game together. He pointed out that he’s not afraid of making decisions so part of his experience was trying to gather the information in order to get the group to a decision. When Julie informed Hisam of Cirie and Jared’s familial relationship he was surprised, but thinks that they’re covering it up very well.

9:53 p.m. – Before we got to the start of the Pressure Cooker HOH comp, we learned that there’s an America’s Vote beginning to give The BB  Power of Invincibility to one player. The top four vote getters will earn the chance to compete for the power to save one of the evicted houseguests in one of the next two evictions, including themselves.

9:58 p.m. – In the backyard, Julie started the Pressure Cooker comp by explaining that the winner will be the last one standing still pressing their button. The other rules are no kneeling, no sitting, no bathroom breaks, and no leaving the box until at least three players have been eliminated. In their order of elimination they must each take the next card 1-10 in order and they each contain something good or something bad. When the competition started, Julie cut the lights and revealed that they’d be competing in pitch darkness, at least to start.

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