Big Brother 25: Matt confessed his feelings to Reilly before she was evicted


On day 16 of Big Brother 25 and when eviction was right around the corner a lot was happening in the house.

If you missed that episode, Reilly was very-much on her way out of the game mainly because her campaigns were failing and she made some mistakes like making Izzy feel like she and Cirie were ringleaders and having her allies be a little bit too desperate.

Despite Reilly leaving, Matt told her a night before she was evicted that he had a crush on her mostly because he didn’t want to let the opportunity go in the event she leaves. Just saying.

The two had a moment where they shared a hug, but clearly, either one or two things were happening. Either Reilly was not into him as he is her and didn’t want to fully lead him on, or she was too focused on saving herself right at the moment to fully indulge.

If Reilly had stayed in the house, do you think they would have had a showmance with Matt?

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