Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Could Hisam be the next target?



Since the Veto Ceremony, Houseguests have been busy. Reilly has been campaigning, the houseguests planning on who to save and so many emotions in the Big Brother House.

Meanwhile, on day 13 Reilly started campaigning and we think the best person she could be listening to at this point is Cirie because she is trying to help her. Additionally, we saw Cirie advising her to speak with Izzy and Felicia so that she might get some compassion for how unkind Hisam was to her at the Veto Ceremony.

So what does the current state of Big Brother 25’s game look like as the eviction day draws near? Do we see Hisam becoming the next target for eviction? Even though there has been a lot of drama over the past few days, Reilly, Jag, Blue, and Matt’s actions during the game will ultimately determine a lot.

Now is Hisam a bigger threat than Reilly? If there is a pitch to be made, it’s that you keep her and try to use her numbers to go after the current HoH. We think this might happen because Reilly has people who are already super-loyal to her, it’s hard for people outside of the Blue, Jag, and Matt group to want to keep her since they aren’t in her long-term plans.

But Hisam is undoubtedly starting to pose a problem, and Cirie appears determined to go after him soon.

Do you think the whole Big Brother house will target him next week? Comment below.

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