Big Brother Spoilers: Alliances divide, who do the HGs really want to evict


Hisam won the POV and he is the HOH of Week 2 leaving us with a lot of suspense wondering what is going to happen this week in the Big Brother house. At this point, we are wondering if he is going to use the power of veto or not because he already has a target list we he remove one of them from the block or not?

Meanwhile, the Veto Ceremony is tonight in the Big Brother 25 house, but most of the players are already thinking beyond that. What is going to happen with the eviction this week?

Cirie is trying to figure out the best way to navigate through this situation with Cameron and Reilly on the block. We think she’s realizing that she does not want to play with Hisam long-term, given that he is a smart, cerebral, and competitive guy. She thinks he is a big threat and she is going to want him out.

With all of this in mind, Cirie had a conversation this evening with Jared and Izzy where she floated the idea of getting rid of Cameron, which we don’t think Izzy wants to do.

However, Izzy is worried about going against what Hisam wants at this point. It would also splinter the Professors’ alliance, and we think that Izzy does like where she stands within that group right now. Jared also has her concerns, and it’s really weird hearing Jared and Izzy both feel like Cirie needs to chill.

Also, Cirie is thinking many weeks ahead here and she’d probably prefer Reilly to stay, even if she is erratic and can’t keep a secret to save her life. The problem is that she doesn’t want to alienate anyone close to her especially Izzy since she knows her big secret. She is thinking of getting Jag, Blue, and some other people on board if Reilly leaves.

We also watched Cory telling Reilly to start talking with Izzy making it clear to her that Cirie is not going to flip on her own. It’s probably the best advice she’s gotten in a while, but we don’t think she’s listening enough.

Instead, Reilly is trusting Jag the most though he doesn’t have his finger on the pulse as much because he’s been focusing on Reilly for his good.

Do you think Cirie would actually flip to save Reilly? Comment below…

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