Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 2 HOH Target List


The Week 2 HOH Hisam is most likely to give us one of the most entertaining weeks of Big Brother 25.

Hisam won the Head Of House competition on Friday morning, putting the other side of the house “the professors” in power for the first time. That means they are officially in charge.

Jared was close to the winning HOH but picked the wrong door and was sucked into the Nether Region in which he was gone for much longer than Cory was in week 1. With Hisam in control, the “Handful” knew they were in trouble and immediately started wondering if they could mitigate the impending doom by convincing Hisam to put up Cory and America or Cory and Felicia or one person from each side of the house.

However, Hisam told Felicia that she was good and he was not picking off people from their side but had a target list of his own.

Hisam’s target list order was Reilly, Cameron, and Matt, with Reilly and Cameron as potential norms, but he would consult with the Professors first.

If Cirie had her way, however, Hisam would backdoor Cameron. That could still happen depending on the Veto, after which Cirie could convince everyone that’s the right move since Cameron rubs multiple people the wrong way.

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