Big Brother 25 Spoilers: Week 2 Nominations, Who Did HOH Nominate


Nomination spoilers are in again for the second week of Big Brother 25 as the new HOH Hisam who is set and determined to make a big impact this week.

During the one-on-one conversations, Hisam openly confronted the opposing side by explaining that he was aware of being targeted by Reilly last week who was HOH. He questioned how he could leave her in safety knowing what he knew. Moreover, the threats were not disguised, and the consequences of standing in his way were made clear to the HGs.

Big Brother 25 Week 2 Nominations

Hisam nominated:Cameron & Reilly

Hisam wants Reilly out this week and Cirie would love to see Cameron out the door. Who will get their wish? Seems likely and entirely possible for at one of them to get their way with both targets starting on the Block.

Leading up to the Ceremony, Hisam did his best to explain to her how he didn’t want to backdoor her, as he doesn’t think that this is a super-fair way to win the game. He laid the compliments on thick and even when Reilly cried, he handled that fairly well also. He also painted the picture as though nominating her was something that he had to do and it wasn’t personal at all

Coming up is the Power of Veto competition and then Monday for the Veto Meeting. Sunday at 8/7c we’ll get the next episode with these nominations.

What do you think of these picks? Good game moves by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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