Big Brother 25 will be back tonight with it’s first eviction of the season as houseguests Kirsten and Felicia await their fate at the hands of the Diary Room votes. Well, maybe they will. With everything that’s happened in the past day we’re not sure what to expect tonight but looking back just one season provides some clues on what we could see in the first live eviction show on BB25.
The Feeds have been down inside the Big Brother 25 house since 11:37 AM BBT on Wednesday when presumably the Houseguests were called to the living room and received a message from production regarding the departure of Luke Valentine from the game. Luke was heard using a racial slur in a late night talk with other Houseguests overnight on Tuesday. He was appropriately removed from Big Brother 25 as a result.
Oddly enough, a somewhat similar situation happened last season during the same first week. You’ll remember Paloma departed the game, though under different circumstances, and the eviction for Week 1 was canceled as a result. So we shouldn’t be surprised to have something like that happened again, giving a last minute reprieve to both Kirsten and Felicia.
Look, production has fourteen weeks to get through for a 100-Day season and they’ve now got only sixteen HGs to make it happen. Not sure how they’re going to pull that off without a few extra Battle Backs or bringing in a new HG mid-season but the latter is difficult without someone having been in sequester during at least this past week.
For tonight’s show lets expect a discussion of Luke’s behavior, a warning to the rest of the HGs (and future HGs!) to avoid anything like it, then Julie will probably announce the vote has been called off and instead we’ll get a new Head of Household competition.
What do you hope to see happen on tonight’s Big Brother episode? Who would make the best new HOH? We’ll soon see who wins this next big competition with our spoilers to follow!
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