Big Brother 25 Spoilers: A New Alliance Formed


Week one of season 25 and the house has been chaotic already! We have seen the cast revealing secrets, forming alliances as early and so much more that we have been watching during the live feeds.

Just like any other day of Big Brother live feeds, we saw a new alliance forming again besides the ones that are already there. Isn’t this too much division in the house already? What do you think?

We can now count the Professors as one of the various alliances. You might be thinking at this point, who are the professors? Well, consider Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, Mecole, Red, Hisam, and Bowie, for example. Except for Jared, who is already with them.

However, what is fascinating is the cast who are realizing that they are not the priority of any alliance and with that, are starting to look elsewhere. Red and Cameron, for example, are starting to have something going on as well as America and Mecole. We have also watched Cory bouncing between sides and doesn’t have any alliance yet.

How many more alliances do you think will be formed in the house? I’d say let’s watch and see how all this plays out.

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