Big Brother 25 Nominees Of The Week




Are you as surprised as I am? Houseguests up for nomination without a Head of house! What a big twist to begin the season! I guess one of those that Julie Chen had promised.

With the longest season ever (100 days), Big Brother 25 started the new season by smashing the multiverse. By the time the show’s finale rolled around, there were already four nominees and no Head of House plus a surprise 17th Houseguest also joined the cast.

The Houseguests were surprised when they were asked to compete to avoid being nominated for eviction instead of fighting for the title of Head of Household. Julie divided them into groups of four and had each group select a station from four different options.

Before letting any of the original 16 Houseguests inside the Big Brother House, Julie Chen presented a typically cheesy footage of former “BB” houseguests Danielle Reyes, Britney Haynes, and Frankie Grande attempting to change time.

After Danielle Reyes, Britney Haynes, and Frankie Grande’s attempt, four universes merged where each group of four participated in a unique competition that was based on their own “verse,” with the losers of each competition going on to be one of the night’s four nominees.

The “verse”  included the Scramble-verse where HGs were tasked with taking apart a completed puzzle and putting it back into its box, where it fits perfectly, Humili-verse where HGS had to rock a machine to kick themselves in the butt with a giant show.

Plus the Comic-verse where HGs had to get slimed on the first night of the show and also different length wires to a detonator the fastest and the Scary-verse where HGs just looked like they were lying on a mat and each having a giant hand pulling them back toward the “nether region”.

At the end of these competitions whoever lost was nominated automatically even when there was no HOH. Those nominated include Felicia Cannon, Cory Wurtenberger, Jared Fields, and Kirsten Elwin

Do you think any of these nominees will be going home this week?

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