Big Brother 25 Cast On Why They Will Win This Season


Big Brother fans, how do you feel now that the show has started? After a long wait, we can finally enjoy a new season, a new cast, and a new theme. The best part is that this season will last for 100 days, which is the longest season we have ever had.

We observed the cast settling in and participating in their initial competition, where four houseguests were nominated without a Head of House. It was quite intriguing, perhaps these are some of the surprises that Julie Chen mentioned!

Entertainment Weekly interviewed all the Big Brother season 25 to tell us why they were going to win the game during the live move-in premiere in which they explained their strategies for winning season 25. 

When Houseguests enter the house for the first time, everyone believes they will win Big Brother until they spend more time in the house and the competitions become harder and harder.

According to EW “If anything, it excited us even more to put these bold predictions down on the record before the season starts so we could refer to them later once everything goes haywire and see who lived up to their pre-game hype,” they said.

You can watch the EW’s video to see what strategies the Houseguests for winning and the reasons why they think they will win.

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