Tonight On ‘Big Brother 25’: Season Premiere, Live HGs Move-In & More!


Welcome to Big Brother season 25 Premiere Day! We already met the Big Brother Houseguests for the new season, watched a guided video tour of the new house design with Julie Chen and also discovered the BB25 Multiverses. The only thing left to do is get this party started and running for its 100-Day season with the 90-minute debut at 8/7c tonight on CBS.

Well, Tonight will be another live move-in for the HGs, so we’ll be watching as they’re grouped and sent in to find their beds then start awkward scrounging for friends and allies. Sounds like some of that’s already been set for them though with this Pink Vs Blue twist theory that two teams will be facing off to start the season. And then there’s the four different Big Brother Multiverses for Scary, Humili-, Comic, and Scramble. That’s going to need some explaining!

ALSO READ: Meet Your Houseguests >> Big Brother 25 Cast

Remember this will be the 25th edition of the series and CBS is looking to bring back a lot of memories from over the years. We’ve already seen that start up with the “Time Laser” that briefly had three former HGs sneak in and cause some trouble for the season ahead. That’s what seems to set up the theme of the split timelines and the various teams we could see at play this season. Who knows just how long that’ll last, but could be a fun start to the game.

ALSO READ: Tour The Big Brother 25 House

You’ll be able to watch the show on CBS or your Paramount+ subscription tonight. Then the Live Feeds kick off around 9:30PM PT (12:30AM ET) so make sure you have the Free Trial signed up and ready to go for that.

Want more? Be sure to join us on our Facebook page @BigBrotherUScom, Facebook group @BigBrotherUS & Twitter:@BigBrotherUS to always stay connected and never miss another Big Brother update. We’ll keep you updated for the whole 100-DAY season!


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