Big Brother 25 House Tour With Julie Chen


Ahead of the Big Brother 25 premiere, Julie Chen decided to give us an exclusive tour of the house with Entertainment Weekly.

It’s about time we meet the Big Brother house since we met the guests already.

Luckily for us, Julie Chen gave us a look early “The Big Brother Multiverse is the theme for season 25,” Julie explained. “What does that mean? That means the game has turned upside down, anything can happen. Expect the unexpected more than ever… We’ve never had alternate universes like this.”

The new living area is decorated with a sophisticated space motif, replete with wallpaper showing astronomical constellation charts and telescopes. The room also has a pneumatic tube that will be used to transport messages from the producers to the houseguests.

Some rooms physically turn the idea of the game upside down by including upside-down dressers, flower vases, mirrors, and other items.

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