Big Brother 25: Could There Be a Larger Cast?


Just a few days away from the Big Brother 25 premier which is on Wednesday next month of August however there are many questions the fans are asking.

For example fans are asking if there could be a larger cast of Big Brother 25 due to the 25th Anniversary Celebrations which will feature 24 seasons of fan-favorite house-guests and whether they will be part of the 25th season of Big Brother.

We have grown used to expecting 16 contestants to participate on this show in the previous season, and we do not foresee any significant deviations from that in this coming season unless otherwise.

But also when we reflect on Big Brother 17 & 19 which actually had a total of 17 house-guests, don’t be shocked if we see something similar in season 25.

However, we are most likely to get a 100-day season or something close to it based on some of the comments that CBS already made like keeping this show around until we get to either late October or early November, making this the longest version of the show.

What are your thoughts on an extra number of players on Big Brother 25?

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